200 (South Park)

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Episode of the South Park series
Original title 200
Country of production United States
original language English
length approx. 22 minutes
Age rating FSK 16
classification Season 14, episode 5,
200th episode overall ( list )
Director Trey Parker
script Trey Parker
music Bruce Howell

200 is the fifth episode of season 14, making it the 200th episode of the South Park series . It is the first part of the two-parter of Mohammed - parody . Both this and the 201 . Episodes were subsequently withdrawn by Comedy Central due to threats from Islamist extremists.


South Park's fourth grade teacher, Mr. Garrison, is planning a trip to a chocolate factory with his students, including Cartman, Kenny, Stan, and Kyle. At the factory, Stan notices Tom Cruise , who is employed as a factory worker there and packs caramel confectionery - so-called fudge - whereupon Stan calls him a fudge packer . Since Fudge-Packer is ambiguous in American English , including an insult, Cruise feels personally attacked and threatens to sue all of South Park.

When Tom Cruise plans to initiate even more celebrities in a class action lawsuit against South Park, Stan decides to apologize to Cruise. However, he only wants to withdraw the lawsuit if he is allowed to meet the Muslim prophet Mohammed . However, since Mohammed was not seen in public for a long time, this situation proves to be very tricky. However, Stan remembers the last time he saw him in the League of Supreme Friends .

Stan makes his way to the quarters, where he is allowed to take Mohammed with him from Jesus and Moses on condition that his body is completely covered. At the same time, Cruise's intention to meet Mohammed also becomes clear: Mohammed's powers seem so powerful that no one would make fun of him anymore. Mitch Conner, the Jennifer Lopez hand played by Cartman, also shows an interest in Mohammed.

Since Cartman refuses to help Mitch, Mitch tries to impress him with his knowledge and reveal who Cartman's father really is. When the Mohammed is handed over, further problems arise because the association of redheads is also interested in Mohammed. They are threatening a bomb attack in South Park if they are not handed over to the Prophet. For the celebrities, only one person seems to be the salvation of all evil: Barbra Streisand . In her role as "Robo-Streisand" she should appear more powerful than before and help celebrities achieve their goal.

While Cartman meets Mr. Cylinder and wants to find out from him who his real father is and the redheads are gathered in front of a fight against Stan and the people of South Park, the episode ends in a cliffhanger for episode 201 .


The information about the censorship of episode 200 on the German South Park website

This South Park anniversary episode has been withdrawn after its uncensored premiere. Comedy Central decided not to repeat this episode on television or post it on the Internet, following a threat from Islamist extremists.

On the Internet page with the threat read “We have to warn Matt and Trey that what they are doing is stupid and they will probably wind up like Theo Van Gogh for airing this show. This is not a threat, but a warning of the reality of what will likely happen to them "(translated: We have to warn Matt and Trey that what they are doing is stupid and maybe because of the airing of this show they like Theo Van Gogh. This is not a threat but a warning of the reality that is likely to happen to them ). Van Gogh was murdered by an Islamist after his short film Submission .

The episode was not broadcast in Germany or other countries.


The South Park parody of episodes 200 and 201 received a lot of media attention. On the one hand, because this episode was supposed to deal with the topic of censorship in general, but on the other hand, because it was actually censored itself.

In the Simpsons episode whale relationship , the Simpsons developers reacted in their blackboard gag with the slogan South Park - we'd stand beside you if we weren't so scared (translated: South Park: We'd stand by your side if we) not be so afraid ) of censorship.

As a reaction to the Mohammed censorship in the two episodes, which many interpreted as giving way to Islamist threats, internet users all over the world called for Everybody Draw Mohammed Day on May 20th , on which as many people as possible make a drawing of Mohammed and save it Internet should publish. Due to the large number of visitors to the relevant Facebook group, the Pakistani government blocked access to Facebook in their country on May 19, 2010.

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. a b zeit.de: The shame of the South Park censorship
  2. dailycontributor.com: Extremist Site Warns "South Park" Creators Over Muhammad Depiction
  3. planearium.de
  4. heise.de: South Park anniversary episode risks meta-Mohammed caricature
  5. pcaction.de: ( Memento of the original from April 29, 2010 in the Internet Archive ) Info: The archive link was automatically inserted and not yet checked. Please check the original and archive link according to the instructions and then remove this notice. Simpsons themed South Park episode @1@ 2Template: Webachiv / IABot / www.pcaction.de
  6. spiegel.de: Pakistan cuts Facebook because of the Mohammed painting competition