205P / Giacobini

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205P / Giacobini [i]
Properties of the orbit ( animation )
Orbit type short-term
Numerical eccentricity 0.5688
Perihelion 1.526 AU
Aphelion 5.553 AU
Major semi-axis 3.5396 AU
Sidereal period 6.66 a
Inclination of the orbit plane 15.3035 °
Perihelion September 10, 2008
Explorer M. Giacobini
Date of discovery 4th September 1896
Older name D / 1896 R2, P / 2008 R6
Source: Unless otherwise stated, the data comes from JPL Small-Body Database Browser . Please also note the note on comet articles .

205P / Giacobini is a periodic comet .

205P / Giacobini was discovered on September 10, 2008 by Japanese astronomers who initially thought it was a new comet. After some orbital calculations it turned out that it was a comet discovered in 1896 and last observed in 1897, which orbits the sun every 6 to 7 years , but which has not been observed since then.

When it was rediscovered, the comet was brighter because two fragments had separated from the main nucleus. The fresh ice, so to speak, revived the comet.

See also

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