3D art

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Traditionally, three-dimensional works of art such as sculptures, clay art , installations and ceramics are referred to as 3D art ; Everything that can actually be touched and perceived as a three-dimensional object. In drawing, attempts are often made to simulate reality by inserting depths or to make it appear three-dimensional.

3D artist

A 3D artist is generally understood to be someone who deals with 3D computer graphics in the digital world ( IT ) . This creates z. B. Graphics and animations for computer games . Another use of the term 3D artist is painters who use 3D effects to make their works appear real. B. in street paintings in which these effects "manipulate" reality and give the appearance of non-real components. In this context, Joe Hill should be mentioned , who was confirmed by the Guinness Book of Records on November 17, 2011 with the currently largest 3D work of art (street painting). Such a work of art that relates directly to the environment is also called "interactive street painting".

Different conceptions of 3D art

Digital 3D models (3D computer graphics)

Computer graphics began in the 1960s. 3D computer graphics are graphics that use a three-dimensional representation of geometric (often Cartesian ) data that is stored in the computer to perform calculations and to display 2D images.

3D computer graphics are often referred to as 3D models. However, there are differences: A 3D model is the mathematical representation of a three-dimensional object. A model is technically not a graphic until it is displayed. With 3D printing, 3D models are no longer restricted to virtual space . A model can be displayed visually as a two-dimensional image through a process called 3-D rendering or used in non-graphic computer simulations and calculations.

3D street painting

In recent years more and more public, the term 3D art is also used as a synonym for street paintings , also known as pavement painting. Street painting has a long tradition and describes an art form in which one mainly works with chalk and uses it to paint on concrete, on asphalt, PVC or also - appropriately prepared stone. The 3D effect is created by optical illusion , especially when the work of art is merged with its surroundings ".

A new trend in street painting is the inclusion of passers-by, who - as in the early days of photography in the backdrops of a photo studio - can be photographed within an illusionistically painted scenery. This type of performance is referred to in the scene as "interactive street painting".

Art in 3D printing

A model, a digital 3D object, is no longer limited to a virtual space since the technological progress of the 3D printer or the different processes for it. Many of the figures that were previously only available virtually can now be printed out using a 3D printer. This technology is already used in many areas, such as B. in the automotive industry, in the clinical environment and for the creation of prototypes . Artists have also discovered this process for themselves. Moto Waganari is a pioneer in Germany and has its digital, grid-like models produced using 3D printing.

But traditional artists such as painters and sculptors also use this technique, who use 3D scans to reproduce and reproduce their sculptures, etc., or who work like a sculptor on the basis of a stone, who work on the basis of a model and only turn this into a real object after printing to process.

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. ^ Joe Hill website ( February 2, 2012 memento on the Internet Archive ). Joe Hill website. Retrieved June 3, 2014.
  2. ^ Würzburg's only street painter: artist on asphalt. Main Post news portal. Retrieved June 3, 2014.
  3. Manfred Stader, 3-D street painter, plaster painter, 3D street art, accessed on July 22, 2014.