Aado Lintrop

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Aado Lintrop 2016

Aado Lintrop (born June 9, 1956 in Tallinn ) is an Estonian poet and folklorist.


After graduating from high school in Tallinn, Lintrop studied Estonian philology at the University of Tartu from 1978 to 1984 . After an interruption, he continued his studies in 1994 and graduated with a master's degree in 1995 . In 2000 he became a doctor of phil. PhD.

Lintrop is a member of the Estonian Writers' Union and lives near Tartu.


Lintrop made his debut in the university newspaper and in anthologies before his first volume of poetry appeared in 1985. It was praised by the critics because it "attracted attention from its professionalism." However, no further volumes of poetry followed, as the author concentrated on his folkloric research. His second collection, published in 2000, was all the more welcomed, the poems of which have been compared with the poetry of Heiti Talvik and Uku Masing , but also with younger contemporary poets such as Doris Kareva or Hasso Krull . His later poetry is said to have echoes of Buddhism , with which he continues a current within Estonian poetry, as it was mainly cultivated by Ernst Enno and Uku Masing.

Lintrop also wrote prose books, for example a diary about a stay in Italy (2014) and a travel book about the Himalayas (2018).


Books of poetry and prose

  • Asuja ('The Settler'). Tallinn: Eesti Raamat 1985. 45 p. (Noored autorid)
  • Sõnaristi ('To the word cross'). Tartu: Ilmamaa 2000. 71 pp.
  • Annapurna ( Annapurna ). Tartu: Ilmamaa 2010. 128 pp.
  • Õhtud sõidavad õue ('The evenings go to the yard'). Tartu: Ilmamaa 2011. 136 pp.
  • Uksed ja inimesed ('doors and people'). Tartu: Ilmamaa 2012. 149 pp.
  • Orus ja mäel ('In the valley and on the mountain'). Tartu: Ilmamaa 2013. 117 pp.
  • Imeline koda ('The wonderful home'). Tartu: Ilmamaa 2014. 192 pp.
  • Päev on ulakas plika. Luulet aastaist 2013–2015 ('The day is a naughty girl. Poems from 2013–2015'). Tartu: Ilmamaa 2016. 70 pp.
  • Tõusta mägede õlule. Luuletaja Himaalajas (' Mount the mountains on the shoulder. A poet in the Himalayas'). Tallinn: Go Group 2018. 439 pp.

Scientific publications

  • Udmurdi rahvausundi piirjooni (' Basic features of the Udmurt folk belief') Tartu: Tartu Ülikool 1993. 110 pp.
  • Šamaaniraamat ('The Book of Shamen'). Tartu: Ilmamaa 1995. 192 pp.
  • Udmurdi usund ('Udmurt People 's Belief') Tartu: Eesti Rahva Muuseum 2003. 256 pp.
  • Divination in Estonian regi songs . Trier: Wissenschaftlicher Verlag Trier 2008. 361 pp.
  • Loomisaja laulud. Uurimusi eesti rahvalaulust ('Songs from the time of creation. Studies on Estonian folk poetry') Tartu: Eesti Kirjandusmuuseumi Teaduskirjastus 2016. 160 p.

Literature on the author

  • Teet Kallas : Asub teiste seas, in: Looming 1/1986, pp. 120-121.
  • Kristiina Ross: Professionaalsusest, loovast algest ja muust, in: Keel ja Kirjandus 4/1986, pp. 236-237.
  • Avo Üprus: Üle une üleneda, in: Vikerkaar 4/1986, pp. 82–84.
  • Priidu Beier : Sõnaristi löödud luuletaja, in: Vikerkaar 8–9 / 2000, pp. 173–175.
  • Mathura : Vallutamata kõrgused, in: Looming 9/2010, pp. 1319–1321.
  • Aapo Ilves : Matk üle luuleahelike, in: Vikerkaar 4–5 / 2011, pp. 180–183.
  • Rein Tootmaa : Mazzano-päevik: Nulla dies sine linea , in: Looming 1/2015, pp. 151–153.

Individual evidence

  1. Eesti kirjanike leksikon. Koostanud Oskar Kruus yes Heino Puhvel. Tallinn: Eesti Raamat 2000, pp. 299-300.
  2. Kristiina Ross: Professionaalsusest, loovast algest ja muust, in: Keel ja Kirjandus 4/1986, p. 236.
  3. Priidu Beier: Sõnaristi löödud luuletaja, in: Vikerkaar 8–9 / 2000, pp. 174–175.
  4. Mathura: Vallutamata kõrgused in: Looming 9/2010, pp 1310 to 1321.
  5. (English) Review in Estonian Literary Magazine 33 (Autumn 2011), pp. 30–31
  6. (English) Review in Estonian Literary Magazine 33 (Autumn 2011), pp. 30–31