Aaron Backstro

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Aaron Backstro (born November 3, 1566 in Dresden , † July 13, 1620 in Weimar ) was a German rentmaster , chamber councilor and bailiff in the service of the Duke of Saxe-Weimar .


Backstro, who was born in the Saxon residence city of Dresden, embarked on an administrative career and after his training entered the service of the Duke of Saxony-Weimar. At the court in Weimar he was first rent master and rose to the chamber council. As such, he was appointed by the Duke as bailiff of the residential city of Weimar.

In 1612 he sold the Stieden-Vorwerk, located at the gates of Weimar, to the Duke for 5,600 thalers .

He died at the age of 53 in Weimar on July 13, 1620. The funeral sermon given by the vice pastor Magister Elias Schönfeldt for his funeral on July 16, 1620 was published in print by Johann Beithmann in Jena in 1621. It also contains numerous mourning poems by relatives and friends as an appendix.


His son, Aaron Backstro the Younger (* December 5, 1604 in Weimar ; † September 15, 1620 there), died as a student at the age of 16 , just three months after his father.


  • Friderici Hortleders / Amfurt, Sax. De Vero Sensu L. Non Omnium. 20th D. de ll. eiusq [ue] genuinis exemplis, Singularis Disputatio , 1606.
  • Iuris Publici Utriusque, Tam Ecclesiastici Quam Politici, In Orbe Romano Cum Antiquo Tum Hodierno Usurpati Tomus ...: Complectens In Se XV. Tractatus Diversorum Iurisconsultorum ... / Nunc Primum Sparsim Collecti, Et In unum hoc volumen commodissime compositi, studio atq [ue] opera Viri cuiusdam Nobilis & eruditi , Volume 2, 1615.
  • Threnologiæ In Obitum Præmaturum Honestissimæ & Lectissimæ Foeminæ Elisabethæ, Viri Amplissimi, Consultissimi, Longoque Rerum Variarum Usu Præstantissimi Domini Aaronis Backstroen, Præfecti In Oldisleben Vigilantisimi, Conjugis Desideratissimæ , 1613.
  • S. Pauli Rittermessiger Kampff / Redlicher Lauff / Honest Coronation. From the other epistle to Timothe [...] , Weimar 1621.

Individual evidence

  1. Brief life history of the dukes of Saxony , 1770, p. 226.
  2. S. Pauli Rittermessiger Kampff / Redlicher Lauff / Ehrliche Krönung. From the other epistle to Timotheum on cap 4. verse. 6. 7. 8.: Bey of the Christian funeral / Of [...] Mr Aaron Backstro / FS Wolverordnungen Rahts der Cammer / and Amptmans zu Weinmar. Which fell asleep on the day of Margaretae / Anno 1620 on July 13th [...] there [...] / and then on the 16th eiusd. [...] been adopted. Erkleret / By M. Eliam Schönfeldt Vicepastorem and the Consistorii Assessorem there , 1621.