Abdou Gaoh

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Abdou Gaoh (born 1922 in Matankari , † December 26, 1992 in Dogondoutchi ) was a Nigerien politician.


Abdou Gaoh attended schools in Dogondoutchi, Birni-N'Konni , Maradi and Niamey . He worked first as a teacher, then as a commercial clerk in a trading house in Niamey. From 1946 he became politically active in the Nigerien Progress Party . During the tenure of President Hamani Diori , from 1960 to 1974, he was party secretary, chairman of the party youth and head of cabinet of the president. He also served as President of the Fédération Nigérienne de Football , the national football association. Gaoh, like all senior officials of the Nigerien Progress Party, was arrested by Lieutenant Dandi Abarchi on April 15, 1974 , when Seyni Kountché and other officers of the Nigerien Armed Forces came to power in a military coup . He was the only politician who tried, albeit unsuccessfully, to oppose the arrest.


Individual evidence

  1. ^ André Salifou: Biographie politique de Hamani Diori. Premier President de la République du Niger . Karthala, Paris 2010, ISBN 978-2-8111-0202-9 , pp. 308-309.
  2. Presidents. Fédération Nigérienne de Football, accessed July 26, 2017 (French).
  3. ^ Adamou Moumouni Djermakoye: 15 avril 1974. Mémoires d'un compagnon de Seyni Kountché . Editions Nathan Adamou, Niamey 2005, p. 72 .