Waste management Mannheim

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The Mannheim Waste Management is responsible for the city of Mannheim for 325,000 inhabitants. It has been certified as a waste disposal company for the collection and transport of waste since 2001 and is considered a modern municipal service company. The balance sheet total is around 90 million euros with annual sales of around 65 million euros. Around 425 employees work in the areas of waste management , street cleaning , winter service , container transport, car repair shops and advice. Waste Management Mannheim operates two municipal recycling yards and a landfill .


In 1968 the city ​​cleaning and trucking office was established in Mannheim . For the first time in the history of the city, it managed the tasks of garbage collection , city ​​cleaning and motor vehicle management , looking after public lavatories and public scales centrally. After the waste disposal laws of the federal government and the state of Baden-Württemberg came into force in 1972, the city's tasks were expanded significantly and comprehensively. It was now fundamentally obliged to dispose of the waste that had accumulated in its area.

Fourteen years later, the 1986 Federal Waste Act stipulated that the waste had to be avoided and recycled before it was disposed of. In the same year, Mannheim waste management carried out a test with biobins in three areas with a total of around 8,000 households . The areas concerned were Käfertal-Sonnenschein , Waldhof-West and Vogelstang-Südost . In 1991 the paper bin was introduced in the outer areas of Mannheim and in the Schwetzingerstadt area .

In 1992 the Office for Waste Management and City Cleaning was formed with the tasks of waste disposal , street cleaning / winter service , central administration of urban vehicles and the operation of public toilet facilities . In 1996 the Federal Recycling and Waste Management Act came into force with the aim of promoting the circular economy to conserve natural resources and to ensure that waste is disposed of in an environmentally friendly manner.

In 1999, the waste management company Mannheim was established, and the waste management, the transport operation and the workshops of the Office for Waste Management, and from 2000 also the city cleaning, were transferred to the company’s own operation, for the purpose of improved management according to economic aspects.

In 2000, the Mannheim waste management company and the Mannheim waste management office were transferred to the Mannheim waste management company . The aim was to use the operational advantages of cooperation between waste management and city cleaning, in particular the needs-based short-term scheduling of employees, especially in winter service. In 2001, the Mannheim waste management company was certified as a waste management company for the collection and transport of waste (EdDE). Since 2003, the organic waste bin has been expanded across the board. This gave all Mannheim citizens the opportunity to collect organic waste from the kitchen and garden separately. The biowaste bin was still voluntary and cost a monthly container fee.

In 2007, the waste management in Mannheim lowered the waste fees, and thus distributed the generated profits to the citizens of Mannheim. In 2007 the paper bin was introduced in the inner city areas, which meant that around 100,000 households did not have to collect bundles. All of Mannheim was connected to the free paper bin. In 2008 there was a second fee reduction due to lower disposal costs. The fees reached the level of 1995. In 2009, the collection of bulky waste on demand was introduced and the previous regular collections of street bulky waste were discontinued.


Waste management

The waste handlers of the Mannheim waste management department empty around 112,800 bins for residual waste, biowaste and waste paper every week with 37 garbage trucks. They collect bulky waste on demand, take green attacks with them twice a year and collect problematic substances at central locations in the Mannheim city area in spring and autumn. After Dreikönig they also dispose of Christmas trees.

City cleaning

100 city employees ensure cleanliness in Mannheim. 18 road sweepers clean the road, bike and public sidewalk network. The municipal employees manually empty around 4,500 wastebasket in the city, keep streets, paths, squares, stops and pedestrian zones clean and maintain green spaces. They also remove wild rubbish tips and weeds and sweep around 1,000 tons of leaves in autumn .

Winter service

250 employees and 110 vehicles take care of winter services from November to March .

Waste advice

Six waste consultants are there for Mannheim's citizens and businesses when it comes to avoiding, recycling, separating and disposing of waste. Waste Advice also offers a program for kindergartens and schools to introduce children to the topic of waste in a playful way.

Recycling yards of the waste management and the ABG waste disposal company

  • Recycling yard of the waste management Mannheim in Neckarau
  • Recycling center of the ABG waste disposal company on Friesenheimer Insel

Both recycling centers accept almost all waste from private households in normal household quantities. Some types of waste can be accepted free of charge, some are charged a fee.

More offers and activities

  • Waste Management Mannheim offers tours through the recycling center especially for preschool children in kindergarten.
  • The garbage trucks of the waste management in Mannheim are used for self-promotion. The company uses the space and presents its services.

Fee structure

In Mannheim, the residual waste bin is emptied according to two different categories. Weekly with full service or fortnightly with partial service. Full service means that the garbage collectors from the Mannheim waste management department collect the bins from the stand on the day of emptying and put them back there again. Partial service means that the bin has to be placed at the sidewalk by the owner himself. Thus, the fee for emptying the residual waste bin depends on the size of the bin and the emptying rhythm or full or partial service area. The emptying of the organic waste bin is also subject to a charge and is only picked up as part of the service (fortnightly). The organic waste bin is emptied weekly from April through October. Waste Management Mannheim does not charge a fee for emptying the paper bin. Bulky waste will be collected on demand after prior registration. Twice four or eight cubic meters are free of charge per year.

Inert material landfill

The Friesenheimer Insel landfill is a waste disposal site . Inert materials such as building rubble , road debris , excavated soil, foundry sands and other mineral waste are deposited. It is located in the northeast of the Friesenheimer Insel, which is bounded by the Rhine in the west and by an old Rhine loop on the other side. In the south the Neckar flows into the Rhine.

The total landfill extends over a length of about 1.5 kilometers and width of about 300 to 400 meters. The landfill consists of a total of three sections and a reserve area in line with the development over time. Two sections of this (original landfill and old landfill) have already been filled.

The so-called original landfill has an area of ​​around 16.5 hectares and is located on the northwestern edge of the landfill site. It operated until 1981. The original landfill is mostly recultivated - including a part of the old landfill - and covered with dense vegetation.

The old landfill was put into operation in 1981. It covers an area of ​​around 14 hectares. The old landfill has been closed since 2009. Surface sealing and recultivation began in 2006 .

Extension IV is the currently operated landfill section which was put into operation in 1993. This section is developed as a class II landfill in accordance with the Landfill Ordinance.


ABG Abfallbeseitigungsgesellschaft mbH (ABG) was founded in 1981. It is a communal GmbH, shareholders are the cities of Mannheim (99.29%) and Ludwigshafen (0.71%). On behalf of the city of Mannheim, it operates the inert material dump, the largest recycling yard in the Mannheim district and the interim storage for problematic materials. It composts green waste on its own facility and accepts deliveries to MVV RHE GmbH's waste incineration plant . The ABG and its 38 employees work closely with the Mannheim waste management company to carry out their tasks.

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