Abitur in Brandenburg

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The Abitur in Brandenburg is regulated in the High School Upper Level Ordinance (GOSTV).


Since the school year 2009/10, the regular school time up to the Abitur in the state of Brandenburg has been 12 years at grammar schools. At comprehensive schools or upper school centers with GOST, the schooling period up to the Abitur is 13 years, 6 of which are spent in elementary school and 4 in lower secondary level and 2 or 3 years in upper secondary level . For particularly gifted students, there is also the option of switching to selected grammar schools from grade 5 onwards.

The 11th year of school at the comprehensive schools has an introductory function and prepares for the difference between the secondary levels. It can also be "skipped" (for example by spending a year abroad), as it is not taken into account in the calculation of the Abitur grade.

The differences are:

  • The lessons are divided into courses with a higher level of difficulty (four hours per week, mathematics five hours per week) and courses with a basic requirement level (two hours per week). There are also sports and selected foreign languages ​​(three hours per week). From the 9th grade onwards, Latin can also be taken as a so-called compulsory elective, which, however, cannot be taken as an Abitur subject from SEK II.
  • 5 courses with an increased level of difficulty and 6 courses with a basic level of difficulty must be selected.
  • For courses with a higher level of difficulty , mathematics, German, a natural science (biology or physics), a continued foreign language from SEK 1 and a subject of the student's choice from the school's range of courses must be selected.
  • A seminar course must also be taken. This should serve to deepen a subject as well as to prepare for the study and to write a seminar paper.
  • Instead of classes, there are tutorials that are composed according to the subjects chosen by the individual students. The tutor is a point of contact for the pupils and mostly takes on the tasks of a class teacher. He teaches a compulsory course at a higher level (German, mathematics, English, biology / physics).
  • It is no longer calculated in school years, but in school semesters. These half-years are designated with 11 / I , 11 / II , 12 / I , 12 / II . Each semester is graded separately (i.e. the grades are reset every semester). It is important here that the grades from the first half of the year count towards the Abitur.


The Abitur can be taken at the following schools in Brandenburg:

Choice of subjects

There are compulsory and elective courses. A course in which 0 points were achieved is considered not to have been taken .

German, mathematics, a foreign language, history, at least one subject from the 1st (geography, political education, economics, etc.) and 2nd task field (natural sciences), art, performing games or music, sports, and a seminar course must be taken . A total of ten courses must be taken. One possibility, however, is to take an eleventh subject, which can be freely chosen.

Since 2019, only two advanced courses have been chosen. You have to take German, mathematics or a foreign language as the first advanced course subject and any other as the second (it is important to meet the registration rules).

Abitur calculation

Performance evaluation

Points Note in words Grade (with tendency) Raw points Note definition comment
15th very good 1+ 95% The services particularly meet the requirements.
14th 10 90%
13 1− 85%
12 Well 2+ 80% The services fully meet the requirements.
11 20 75%
10 2− 70%
9 satisfying 3+ 65% The services correspond to the requirements in general.
8th 30 60%
7th 3− 55%
6th sufficient 4+ 50% The services show deficiencies, but on the whole still meet the requirements.
5 4th0 45%
4th weak sufficient 4− 40% The services show deficiencies and only meet the requirements with restrictions. deficit area
3 inadequate 5+ 33% The services do not meet the requirements, but show that the necessary basic knowledge is available and the deficiencies can be remedied in the foreseeable future.
2 50 27%
1 5− 20%
0 insufficient 6th0 00% The services do not meet the requirements and even the basic knowledge is so incomplete that the deficiencies cannot be remedied in the foreseeable future. not used

Subject contribution and overall qualification

For the Abitur assessment, the performance in the courses at an elevated and basic performance level during the qualification phase (i.e. the four semesters Q1, Q2, Q3 and Q4) and the examination results, from which a total number of points is determined (overall qualification), are relevant.

The overall qualification is the sum of the individual assessments from the

  • twelve six-month performance in the written examination subjects (increased requirement level) in double evaluation,
  • 30 half-year performance of the courses at the basic requirement level in simple evaluation, including the four half-year performance of the fourth and, if applicable, the fifth Abitur examination subject and
  • Abitur exams in five-fold evaluation. If a special learning achievement is included as the fifth Abitur examination, this and the four compulsory Abitur examinations are included in quadruple evaluation.

The following courses must be included in the overall qualification:

  • all four semester grades in German ;
  • all four semester grades in mathematics ;
  • all four semester grades in a foreign language ;
  • four half-year grades in a natural science  - or - two half-year grades each in two natural science subjects;

In addition to the twelve six-month performance in the written examination subjects, a total of 30 courses at the basic requirement level are required.

Minimum requirements for obtaining the general university entrance qualification

  • A qualification that entitles you to attend upper secondary levels.
  • A subject allocation corresponding to the Gymnasiale-Oberstufen-Ordinance (GOSTV).

The minimum requirements for courses at an increased requirement level are met if

  • no course has been awarded zero points and
  • Less than five points have been achieved in a maximum of four courses (in all four semesters).

The minimum requirements for courses at the basic requirement level are met if

  • no submitted course has been rated with zero points and
  • Less than five points have been achieved in a maximum of four courses submitted (in all four semesters).

Together, at least 200 of a possible 600 points must be achieved in the course area.

The minimum requirements in the Abitur area are met if

  • in two, if a fifth voluntary Abitur examination is included, in three exams at least five points and
  • a total of at least 100 points have been achieved.

Abitur exam

Central high school diploma

After German unification in 1990, all other new federal states took over the central high school diploma familiar from the GDR. Only Brandenburg, which was strongly oriented towards North Rhine-Westphalia, took over the decentralized Abitur, which is predominant in the west, in which the tasks are submitted by the teachers and approved and selected by the school inspectorate.

After 2000, partly with reference to the PISA studies , a new, nationwide trend towards the central high school diploma began:

For the school years 2004/2005 to 2008/2009, the written Abitur exams in core subjects were provided centrally by the Brandenburg Ministry for Education, Youth and Sport.

Since the 2009/2010 school year, joint Abitur exams in German, English, French and mathematics have been taking place in the federal states of Berlin and Brandenburg. In the 2011/2012 school year, these were expanded to include biology, geography and all foreign languages ​​and, since the 2014/2015 school year, to include chemistry, physics and history.

Abitur exam subject choice

The Abitur consists of three written and one oral exams up to the 2010/11 school year. A so-called fifth examination component is also possible, but not compulsory.

From the 2011/12 school year three written and one oral exams are compulsory. The oral examination can take place as an individual examination as follows: in the fifth Abitur examination subject; as a colloquium, if a special learning achievement is achieved in the fifth Abitur examination subject; as a mandatory additional examination in the first to fourth Abitur examination subject or as a voluntary additional examination in the first to third Abitur examination subject. In addition, a voluntary additional examination in each of the three written Abitur examination subjects can be chosen by the examinee, provided that a mandatory additional examination has not already been carried out in this subject.

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. http://bildungsserver.berlin-brandenburg.de/8810.html#c27690
  2. Gymnasiale-Oberstufe-Ordinance- GOSTV. Retrieved March 24, 2014 .
  3. Gymnasiale-Oberstufe-Ordinance- GOSTV. Retrieved March 24, 2014 .
  4. Central Abitur (BB) . Bildungsserver.berlin-brandenburg.de. December 4, 2008. Retrieved July 3, 2010.