Abraham Gensreff

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Abraham Gensreff (born December 18, 1577 in Radeburg , † September 1, 1637 in Freiberg ) was a Lutheran theologian and composer .


The father, David Gensreff, was a pastor in Radeburg, the mother Brigitta a daughter of the Radeburg mayor Johann Pirner. After attending school in Radeburg, Gensreff continued his education in the Dresden court orchestra, where he was chaplain for six years under Elector Christian I and the spa administrator Friedrich Wilhelm .

On May 23, 1594 he became a student at the Meißener Landschule, where he stayed until 1599. Afterwards, his parents sent him to the University of Wittenberg . Gensreff studied there for a total of six years, five of which as an electoral scholarship holder. One of his most important teachers was the poet Friedrich Taubmann . In 1603 he obtained the master's degree. In addition to poetry, for which he was crowned with the poets' wreath in 1616, he also devoted himself to composing and performing music. He also studied theology under Professors Aegidius Hunnius , Salomon Gesner , David Runge , Georg Mylius and Leonhard Hutter .

After he left the university on December 6, 1604, Gensreff initially served with his father before he became the preceptor of Günther von Bünau's son in Radeburg. After the death of his father in 1606 he was appointed to the orphaned pastor's position.

In 1607 Gensreff married Magdalena Ußlaub, daughter of the Saxon electoral treasurer David Ußlaub, with whom he fathered four children, of whom one son and two daughters survived.

In 1611 he was appointed pastor in Döbeln before becoming superintendent in Freiberg in 1613 . The investiture took place in 1614 by Matthias Hoë von Hoënegg . As superintendent, it was important to him to maintain peace and unity in the city. He also looked after the socially needy and helped exiles. After Magdalena's death on October 18, 1621, he married Marie in 1624, the widow of the superintendent of Grimma, Johann Albert.

When the imperial army invaded Freiberg in 1632 under Franz Wilhelm Mohr von Waldt , Gensreff was deported to Bohemia, but could be released again. In old age he suffered from strokes that impaired memory (paroxymus apoplecticus). The preaching was therefore increasingly difficult for him, so that he had to stop. After attending a church service, he died of a stroke in his study.


Most of all funeral sermons have come down to us from Gensreff. In addition, poetic works are also to be found. He also took part in a collective composition for Psalm 116 , which was organized by Burkhard Großmann ( Angst der Hellen and Friede der Seelen , 1623)

  • Mons Domini Sanctus Frauensteinensis: The holy mountain of God at Frawenstein: That is: A Christian sermon / In the renovated castle chapels at Frawenstein /: From the 24th Psalm of David: held / In the year / M.DC.XV. the IX. February, Freiberg 1615
  • Metallicus Spiritualis, clergyman Bergkman / That is: A Christian funeral sermon / about the 121st Psalm of David: Bey the Christian burial / des weyland ... Martin Weigels / Churf. Saechs. Oberbergkmeisters: Which in the year of 1618. fell asleep on August 4th ..., Freiberg 1618
  • Trias Anagrammatum Viro Reverendo, Clarissimo, Praestantissimo Domino M. Abrahamo Gensreff, Poetae Laureato Caesareo, Pastori & Superintendenti Freibergensis Ephoriae dignissimo, Musarum Cultori & Fautori celeberrimo: Diem lustricum suum 49. ispis Abrahami Onomasteriis, the XX. Decembr. Anno 1625. felicissime peragenti; Natalitiorum loco & in observantiae signum oblata, Freiberg 1625
  • Mortis Cupressetum: Vitae Lauretum. Pars great. That is: The first part of Christian funeral sermons: the blessedly deceased for memory / those who are still alive for useful instruction / with honest sepulture of pious Christians / held / and made in print: by M. Abraham Genßreffen / pastors and superintendents zu Freybergk, Leipzig, 1628
  • Carmen Seculare, Cum Augstana Confessio Natalem celebraret Centesimum & Iubilaeum I. At Christianum CIS. IS. CXXX. Reverendos, pietate & doctrina conspicuos viros, Dominos Collegas, Pastores & Diaconos Dioeces: Fribergensis, Amicos & Fratres suos in Christo dilectos & honorandos ad solennem Festi Iubilaei celebrationem, 25. 26. & 27.d. Iun. suscitans, Freiberg 1630


  • Matthias Hoe von Hoeneg: Investitura Fribergensis, That is: A Christian Sermon: As auff Churf. Saxon. Gnedisten Befelch / der ... Mr. / M. Abraham Gensereiff / February 8, 1614. to the pastor and superintendent of Freyberg was instructed / held in the cathedral churches there. Leipzig, 1614, ( digitized version )
  • Balthasar Wagner: Piorum Auditorum Erga Defunctos Ecclesiae Dei Antistites Officium, That is: Christian corpse preaching / Of the dutiful honorary service / Which pious listeners owe the rulers of the Christian churches to testify even after death / From the words of the epistle to the Heb. cap. 13th v. 17. ...: At the ... funeral of ... Mr. M. Abrahami Gensreffs, P.LC. well-deserved pastor and superintendent of Freybergk. Freiberg 1637, ( digitized version )

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