Abraham Harkavy

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Abraham Harkavy (before 1906)

Abraham Harkavy (Avraam / Albert Yakovlevich Harkavy, Avraham Eliyahu ben Yaakov Harkavy, Russian Авраа́м Я́ковлевич Гарка́ви; born October 27, 1835 in Novogrudok , Russian Empire ; died March 15, 1919 , a Russian-Jewish historian and Orientalist in Petrograd ) .


Abraham Harkavy was trained at the yeshiva of Valoschyn and at the rabbinical seminary in Vilna . He studied oriental languages , Egyptology and Assyriology in Saint Petersburg, Berlin and Paris. Among other things, he researched the Gaonat , Karaites and Ashkenazi Jews in Russia .

For many years he was the librarian of the Imperial Public Library in St. Petersburg , which was considered an extraordinary social success in view of the anti-Jewish climate in Tsarist Russia at the time.


  • John F. Oppenheimer (Red.) And a .: Lexicon of Judaism. 2nd Edition. Bertelsmann Lexikon Verlag, Gütersloh u. a. 1971, ISBN 3-570-05964-2 , col. 272.
  • Harkavy, Albert , in: Encyclopaedia Judaica , 1971, Volume 7, Sp. 1341ff.
  • Albert Harkavy , in: Salomon Wininger : Große Jüdische National-Biographie , Volume 3, Cernăuţi, 1928, p. 1
  • David Günzburg (Ed.): Festschrift in honor of Dr. A. Harkavy: Dedicated by friends and admirers on the occasion of his seventieth birthday on November 20, 1905 = Zikkarôn le-Avraham Eliyyahû . St. Petersburg 1908

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. Mirjam Thulin: Kaufmanns Nachrichtenendienst. A Jewish Scholar Network in the 19th Century . Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht, Göttingen 2012, ISBN 978-3-525-36995-1 , p. 371.