Abraham Senior

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Abraham Senior also Abraham Senneor or Abraham Seneor (* 1412 in Segovia ; † 1493 ) was a Jewish magnate and financier. Under the government of the Catholic Kings Isabella of Castile and Ferdinand II of Aragon , he was advisor to the Crown and supreme royal tax collector. The king gave him the title of Rab do la Corte (Court Rabbi) of Castile .


Like Isaac Abravanel, Abraham Senior was one of the influential " court factors " at the court of the Spanish kings. Because of his cleverness, his wealth and his aristocratic lifestyle he was held in high regard by the grandees of Spain. Senior was held in high regard by the Queen throughout his life. Isabella gave him a lifelong pension of 100,000 maravedis a year for services rendered .

Isabella of Castile

Together with Abravanel, Abraham Senior contributed significantly to the financing of the war against the Muslim rulers , who after ten years of costly and loss-making fighting had to finally vacate the Alhambra fortress , their last base on Spanish soil, on January 2, 1492 .

Inner courtyard of the Casa de Abraham Senneor , today the Centro Didáctico de la Judería de Segovia

On March 31, 1492, the "Catholic Kings" issued the Alhambra Edict , in which the expulsion of Jews from all territories of the Spanish crown was ordered on July 31 of the year, provided they had not converted to Christianity by then. Although Senior and Abravanel intervened with the queen, the edict - despite their great services to the crown - also applied to her. Unlike Abravanel, who refused to convert and left Spain, the 81-year-old Abraham Senior submitted and was baptized together with his son on March 31, 1492 in Valladolid. The king and queen attended the baptism as “godparents”. When he was baptized, Senior took on the Christian name Ferrad [Fernando] Perez Coronel .


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Individual evidence

  1. Richard Ayoun, Haïm Vidal Sephiha: Sefardíes de ayer y de hoy: 71 retratos (=  EDAF ensayo . No. 13 ). EDAF, Madrid 2002, ISBN 84-414-1108-5 , pp. 89 (Spanish, limited preview in Google Book search).