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Achlys ( ancient Greek Ἀχλύς ) is the personification of night darkness and deep mourning in Greek mythology .

While Achlys still appears as an impersonal state in Homer , in Hesiod's Aspis she is portrayed as a personification, which stands with the keren and the moiren in a person killed in battle:

"Πὰρ δ Ἀχλὺς εἱστήκει ἐπισμυγερή τε καὶ αἰνή,
χλωρὴ ἀυσταλέη λιμῶι καταπεπτηυῖα,
γουνοπαχής, μακροὶ δ ὄνυχες χείρεσσιν ὑπῆσαν ·
τῆς ἐκ μὲν ῥινῶν μύξαι ῥέον, .DELTA..di-elect cons παρειῶν ἐκ
αἷμ ἀπελείβετ ἔραζ · delta ἄπλητον σεσαρυῖα .eta
δάκρυσι μυδαλέη. ”

“The gloom of death also accompanied us sadly and terribly,
pale yellow all over, and withered, and drooping with hunger; Swelling
knees, long protruding nails on her hands:
her nose flowed horribly with rubbish, and down
her cheeks, blood trickled down on the earth; and grinning unapproachably in the face,
she stood, as dust frequently enveloped her shoulders, covered with
tears. "

In the Orphic Argonautica she is a servant of the Nyx , who leads their team. The mythographer Hyginus places Achlys in his Roman equivalent, Caligo, at the beginning of the creation of the world. The chaos arises from Caligo , which in the theogony of Hesiod and thus in the most common myth of the origins of the world in Greek mythology is considered the origin of the world and the gods. A reference as the goddess of poisons is made in Nonnos ' Dionysiaka . There Hera borrows deadly plants from Achlys and distributes poisons or magical ointments made from them over the heads of Dionysus ' guards.


Web links

  • Achlys in the Theoi Project (English)


  1. Hesiod: The Shield of Heracles. Line 264-270 ( wikisource ).
  2. Translation after Johann Heinrich Voss The shield of Herakles von Hesiod. ( )
  3. Orphic Argonautics 343.
  4. ^ Hyginus Mythographus, Fabulae Praefatio.
  5. ^ Nonnos of Panopolis : Dionysiaka . 14, p. 168 ff .; HYPNOS: Greek God of Sleep. Theoi Project, Aaron J. Atsma, New Zealand, accessed October 26, 2013 .