Adam Grahn

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Adam Grahn live 2013

John Carl Adam Grahn (born November 4, 1984 in Karlskrona ) is a Swedish rock singer , songwriter and guitarist . He is a founding member and front man of the Swedish rock band Royal Republic .


Adam Grahn grew up in a family of musicians in Karlskrona. He is the son of the music teacher Håkan Grahn and his wife Monika Lindeborg-Grahn. He also has a younger brother, the musician Max Grahn . Musically he was influenced by the Beatles and David Bowie, among others . The Black Album by Metallica and a performance by the band at the Woodstock Festival in 1999 was to become a musician for Grahn the reason. Adam Grahn attended the Swedish Music Academy in Malmö and founded the rock band Royal Republic in 2007 with his fellow students Hannes Irengård , Jonas Almén and Per Andreasson .


He has now released four albums with Royal Republic. In 2010 the debut album We Are The Royal and in 2012 Save The Nation was released . The albums Weekend Man and Club Majesty followed in 2016 and 2019 . With the songs from the albums, the band gives concerts around the world and plays at the most important festivals, for example Rock am Ring , Rock im Park or the Highfield Festival .

further activities

  • Royal Republic and the Nosebrakers : With the acoustic band "Royal Republic and the Nosebrakers", which was funded by the crowdfunding platform Pledge Musik, he recorded an acoustic EP with country rock'n roll cover versions of the band "Royal Republic " on. The rock band performed in cowboy hats, scarves and boots.
  • Stilla Nätters Kapell : With the Stilla Nätters Kapell, an all-star band consisting of local musicians from the Karlskrona region, he has been giving concerts in his Swedish homeland for several years after Christmas.
  • Chocolate Chip : In 2003/2004 Adam Grahn was the guitarist of the Swedish funk band "Chocolate Chip".
  • Producer : Adam Grahn produced Tim Vantol's third album Burning Desires in Malmö in 2017 .
  • Actor : On the TV music talk show "Mulatschag" he played himself in episode 1198, which aired on October 21, 2011. He had another appearance in an episode of the series "Gute Zeiten - Schlechte Zeiten".



In addition to music, Grahn is also interested in football. His favorite club is FC Bayern Munich . He has been passionate about space travel since childhood. In 2017, Adam Grahn could realize a dream and NASA - Mission Control Center in the Johnson Space Center in Houston, Texas visit.

Web links

Commons : Adam Grahn  - Collection of pictures, videos and audio files

Individual evidence

  1. Adam Grahn in an interview
  2. interviews: royal republic - (blessed) power club from sweden!
  3. Interview with Adam Grahn ( Memento of the original from November 5, 2016 in the Internet Archive ) Info: The archive link was inserted automatically and has not yet been checked. Please check the original and archive link according to the instructions and then remove this notice. @1@ 2Template: Webachiv / IABot /
  4. interview-adam-grahn-of-royal-republic
  5. ^ News magazine NTV: Royal Republic save the nation
  6. ^ GND authority data: Royal Republic
  8. Royal Republic: Since shaking the mat
  9. Alternative rock in the heat of the fire
  10. WDR rock Plast: Highfield Sixteen-Royal-Republic
  11. Royal Republic klara for Sweden Rock
  12. slutsalt-till-stilla-natters-kapell
  13. sa-har-lat-stilla-natters-kapell
  14. blekinges-soulhopp-ser-fram-mot-turnen
  15. blekinges soulhopp ser fram mot turnen
  16. ^ Karlskronagrupp vann Musik Direkt
  17. Bandet med choklad i
  19. ^ Mulatschag - comedy, music, talk show
  20. Adam Grahn -Mulatschag - Comedy, Music, Talk-Show
  21. ^ Interview with Adam Grahn about football
  22. Instagram: "Grahnsteiger"
  23. Rock exports Adam Grahn siktar mot stjärnorna