Adele Crepaz

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Adele (Adelheid) Crepaz (born October 24, 1849 as Adelheid Zarda in Brno , † 1919 ) was an Austrian publicist and women's rights activist .

life and work

Adele Crepaz, daughter of a senior imperial and royal civil servant, has been married to court and court lawyer Dr. Giacomo Crepaz wrote poems, pedagogical novels, dramas, studies and aphorisms, translated from French, English and Italian and worked for national and international newspapers for poetry, studies, novellas and pedagogy such as Neue Illustrierte Zeitung , Wiener Allgemeine Zeitung , An der Beautiful Blue Danube , Wiener Hausfrauen-Zeitung , Bazaar or Swiss Family Journal .

Crepaz began to publish her works only after the death of her two children (the first novella Ein Kindwort was published in 1884 in the homeland ). Her brochure The Dangers of Women's Emancipation , published in 1892, attracted particular attention and an English translation was also published in London and New York .


  • Diploma and medal at the Chicago World's Fair in 1893 .
  • Diploma at the women's acquisition exhibition in Vienna in 1900.


  • Motherhood and mothers. Cultural history studies . Wigand, Leipzig, 1905 (signature of the ÖNB: 711.983-B)
  • Nora: The dangers of women's emancipation: a contribution to the women's question by Adele Crepaz. In: Der Lehrerinnen-Wart (4th year, No. 6, 1892), Carl Reipner Verlag, Leipzig
  • The Emancipation of Women and its probable consequences . Swan Sunshine, London, 1893 and Charles Scribner 'Sons, New York


  • Ludwig Eisenberg, Richard Groner : The spiritual Vienna: artist and writer lexicon . Vienna 1889–1893.
  • Elisabeth Friedrichs: The German-speaking women writers of the 18th and 19th centuries . Metzler, Stuttgart 1981, ISBN 3-476-00456-2 .
  • Hermann Clemens Kosel: German-Austrian artists and writers lexicon . Society for the graphic industry, Vienna 1902–1906.
  • Marianne Nigg: Biographies of Austrian Poets and Writers. A contribution to German literature in Austria. Korneuburg 1893.
  • Crepaz, Mrs. Adele . In: Sophie Pataky (Hrsg.): Lexicon of German women of the pen . Volume 1. Verlag Carl Pataky, Berlin 1898, p. 137 ( digitized version ).

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