Richard Groner

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Richard Groner (born October 3, 1853 in Vienna ; † June 15, 1931 ibid) was an Austrian local historian and journalist.


The civil servant's son joined the later Imperial and Royal Austrian State Railways in 1871 , but also found time for journalistic activities with the family journal (from 1875) and the Interesting Journal (from 1881). Together with Ludwig Eisenberg , he founded the biographical yearbook Das Geistige Wien , which was published annually from 1889. He became known through his Vienna Lexicon Vienna as it was , which appeared in the first edition in 1919 and only dealt with the period up to the Congress of Vienna . The third, expanded edition was edited by Otto Erich Deutsch after Groner's death (1934); The sixth edition came out in 1966. In 1974 Felix Czeike and his colleagues published the Great Groner Vienna Lexicon , which still had Groner's name in the title, but was based on Groner's work only in its topographical part.

Also Groners wife Auguste (born Kopallik; 1850-1929) was active as a writer.

Tomb at Hietzingen cemetery

He was buried in an honorary grave in the Hietzinger Friedhof (group 4, number 88).


  • partly with Ludwig Eisenberg: The spiritual Vienna. Lexicon of artists and writers. Daberkow et al., Vienna 1889-1893, ZDB -ID 1308834-8 .
  • Vienna as it was. An information book about old Viennese buildings, house signs, squares and streets, as well as all kinds of other interesting facts from the city's past . Waldheim-Eberle, Vienna 1919.


Web links

Individual evidence

  1. Richard Groner in the search for the deceased at
  2. The spiritual Vienna. Lexicon of artists and writers. Supplement band. 1892. online at; Spiritual Vienna. Lexicon of artists and writers. Volume 2. 1893. online at