Adele Jellinek

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Adele Jellinek (born March 2, 1890 in Vienna ; died September 3 or 5, 1943 in the Theresienstadt ghetto ) was an Austrian writer and a victim of National Socialism .

life and work

Jellinek was born in the Ottakring workers' district in Vienna as the daughter of the painter Samuel Jellinek and his wife Anna , nee. Spitz , born. She had four siblings. As a child, Adele suffered from rheumatic inflammation of the joints, after a failed operation in which her tendons were cut, she was dependent on a wheelchair .

The writer published a series of stories, feature pages and sketches in the newspapers Neue Erde , Arbeiter-Zeitung , Das Kleine Blatt , Die Unsatisfiedene , Deutsche Freiheit , Neues Wiener Abendblatt and Neues Wiener Tagblatt , all of which had social problems. Occasionally Jellinek also published poetry . In 1928 she was awarded two prizes for dramatic youth poetry, donated by Kinderfreunde .

Jellinek's serial novel Das Tor was published in the Arbeiter-Zeitung, the central organ of the Austrian Social Democracy , from February 17 to April 26, 1929 . Inge Halberstam's reading from the author's work at the third authors' evening of the Association of Socialist Writers in July 1933 also left a lasting impression.

After the proclamation of the Austrian corporate state , articles by Adele Jellinek were only published sporadically in newspapers. After the annexation of Austria in March 1938, the writer had to leave her apartment in Ottakring and, after a stopover in Leopoldstadt, finally found accommodation in an old people's home of the Israelitische Kultusgemeinde Wien in Alsergrund , her last accommodation in Vienna. She and a number of other inmates of the home were deported to the Theresienstadt ghetto on May 25, 1943 by freight train . She did not survive there long; she died on September 3 or 5, 1943.

Two of her siblings were also murdered by the Nazi regime : sister Rosa (1892–1942), who was deported to Minsk , and brother Josef (1894–1942), editor of the Kleine Blatt and Arbeiter-Sonntag , who was in the Sachsenhausen concentration camp perished.

The Greens have been fighting since August 2015 for Pschorngasse in Vienna's 16th district to be renamed Adele-Jellinek-Gasse ( Karl Pschorn was a dialect poet, an active member of the NSDAP and chairman of the “Reichsbund of German Dialect Poets” and recipient of the “War Merit Cross , Second Class " ).

Quotes about Adele Jellinek

“This writer knows so many secrets and behaviors in proletarian souls and has also shown and interpreted the inhibitions, disappointments and outrages of the young proletarian adult education center student 'Stephan Posch' with gentle, soft waves. Stephan Posch is a type who, instead of Helen Keller's dynamic educational concept ('Education is what remains when everything learned is forgotten'), likes the privileged 'summa verum', the possession of facts of knowledge, plus pleasant 'behavior'. and would like to acquire dexterity and also want to achieve a secure awareness of social classification; all of which is really not to be expected of the neutral adult education system. Adele Jellinek's study of proletarian studies belonged in a popular education book and should be studied with eyes, brains and hearts by eager young proletarians. Because there is more to it than can be overheard. "

- Otto Koenig : Arbeiter-Zeitung, July 15, 1933

“After 1945, Adele Jellinek was forgotten, certainly wrongly. Only her impressively moving poem "Bread and Roses", published on February 13, 1927 in the Arbeiter-Zeitung, was rediscovered in the 1970s as part of the new women's movement. She wrote this poem, inspired by a textile workers' strike, during which workers carried a standard with the inscription "We want bread - but also roses". "

- Theodor Kramer Society : About Adele Jellinek, March 2, 1890, Vienna - murdered on September 5, 1943 in the Theresienstadt ghetto



Web links

Individual evidence

  1. The digital memory project Memory Gaps ::: memory gaps indicates August 3, 1943 as the date of death.
  2. The Theodor Kramer Society gives at this point ( Herbert Exenberger Archive ( Memento from May 7, 2014 in the Internet Archive )) September 5, 1943 as the date of death
  3. ^ Theodor Kramer Society: Adele Jellinek. Retrieved July 11, 2019 .