Adelphi Edizioni

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Adelphi Edizioni is a renowned book publisher in Milan that has numerous modern classics in its range. It was founded in 1962 by Luciano Foà and Roberto Bazlen , who had previously worked for Einaudi . The then 21-year-old English studies student Roberto Calasso , who became publishing director in 1999, was there from the start. The immediate reason for the foundation was the large project of the first critical Nietzsche edition by Giorgio Colli and Mazzino Montinari , which could not be realized at Einaudi. It was published in Italian by Adelphi from 1964, and later, from 1967, also in the German original by De Gruyter .

Other German-language authors whose Italian translations are published by Adelphi include Ingeborg Bachmann , Elias Canetti , Hugo von Hofmannsthal , Karl Kraus , Joseph Roth , Carl Schmitt , Arthur Schnitzler , Arthur Schopenhauer , Max Stirner , Johannes Urzidil and Frank Wedekind . Well-known international authors include Milan Kundera and Vladimir Nabokov .

Italian authors at Adelphi include a. Roberto Calasso , Guido Ceronetti , Benedetto Croce , Carlo Dossi , Ennio Flaiano , Fleur Jaeggy , Tommaso Landolfi , Giorgio Manganelli , Guido Morselli , Salvatore Satta , Alberto Savinio , Leonardo Sciascia , J. Rodolfo Wilcock .

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Individual evidence

  1. Barbara Villiger Heilig: The shock of the unknown. 50 years of Adelphi-Verlag . In: Neue Zürcher Zeitung, December 27, 2013