Adolf (Palatinate)

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Adolf von der Pfalz (born September 27, 1300 in Wolfratshausen ; † January 29, 1327 in Neustadt an der Weinstrasse ), known as "the honest one", officially officiated as Count Palatine from 1319 until his death . The actual power of government was exercised by his uncle Ludwig (IV.) .


Adolf was the son of Rudolf I of the Palatinate and his wife Mechthild (1280–1323), daughter of King Adolf of Nassau .

In 1320 he married Irmengard von Oettingen († 1389). The royal couple resided in Heidelberg under the sovereignty of King Ludwig IV, but withdrew to Oggersheim around 1326 . Here, Count Palatine Adolf had the community, which had been destroyed by fire, rebuilt, surrounded by a rampart or ditch and elevated it to the status of town. The Count Palatine died in Neustadt an der Weinstrasse in January 1327 and was buried in the Cistercian monastery at Schönau near Heidelberg .

His wife Irmengard retired with her children to the Liebenau monastery near Worms in the year Adolf died , where she entered as a Dominican 20 years later .


  • Ruprecht II (1325–1398), Elector Palatinate;
  • Friedrich (* 1326, disappeared as a small child);
  • Adolf (died early);
  • one daughter († 1389).

All Wittelsbachers living today are descended from Adolf.

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. ^ Count Palatine Adolf and the city of Oggersheim
  2. ^ Count Palatine Adolf and his place of residence Oggersheim