Adolf Dresel

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Adolf Dresel (born September 9, 1828 in Meiderich ; † November 5, 1905 in Weimar ) was a German civil engineer and Prussian civil servant. He played a special role in the construction of the Kaiserfahrt in the province of Pomerania and the construction of the Dortmund-Ems Canal in the province of Westphalia .


Adolf Dresel initially worked as a builder and building inspector in the Rhine Province , where he was involved in various hydraulic engineering and railroad construction projects. In 1868 he became superstructure inspector in Stettin . Appointed government and building councilor in 1870, he worked as a hydraulic engineering council for the district of Szczecin . Here he played a decisive role in the construction of the Imperial Cruise, the regulation of the Swine and thus the expansion of the shipping route from Stettin to the Baltic Sea . This also included the expansion of the Oder as an inland waterway. In the years 1870 and 1871, Adolf Dresel was a board member of the Association of German Engineers (VDI), and in 1877 its chairman.

In 1887 Adolf Dresel became a lecturer in the Ministry for Public Works and in the same year a member of the Academy of Building. In addition to the expansion of the Oder, he was also involved in drafting the regulation of the Vistula and Nogat . During the construction of the Dortmund-Ems Canal, he was in charge of the technical overhead line for eleven years. During his tenure, the drafts of further sewer projects were created, which were implemented at the beginning of the 20th century. In 1892 he was appointed secret senior building officer.

On the occasion of the opening of the Dortmund-Ems Canal in 1899, he was awarded the medal for services to the construction industry. When he retired from civil service in 1902, he received the Order of the Crown, 2nd class with a star.

Adolf Dresel died in 1904 while relaxing in Weimar.


Individual evidence

  1. ^ Marie-Luise Heuser , Wolfgang König : Tabular compilations on the history of the VDI . In: Karl-Heinz Ludwig (Ed.): Technology, Engineers and Society - History of the Association of German Engineers 1856–1981 . VDI-Verlag, Düsseldorf 1981, ISBN 3-18-400510-0 , p. 565, 571 .