Adolf Heinrich August Bergmann

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Adolf Heinrich August Bergmann (born September 12, 1799 in Ganzig ; † July 23, 1858 in Waldheim ) was a German natural scientist and manufacturer .


Bergmann was born in 1799 in Ganzig in Saxony . In 1823 he first founded a materials store in Waldheim. This was later expanded to include a vinegar distillery , chocolate production , as well as smoking and snuff tobacco . There were branches of this type in Hartha, Rosswein and Döbeln. He started the production of artificial fertilizers in 1838. Later Bergmann came to the decision to project his previous knowledge onto human beings. This is how Bergmann's tooth soap, a forerunner of today's toothpaste , was invented . In 1852 Bergmann founded the Waldheim perfumery and toilet soap factory. As early as 1854, production was expanded to include lichen and fine soap. In 1856 Bergmann managed to bring a liquid hair soap on the market. Bergmann died in Waldheim in Saxony in 1858.

After his death

After Bergmann's death in 1858, the company was continued by his son HR Bergmann and his grandson AHR Bergmann as the Waldheim perfumery and fine soap factory AHA Bergmann. In 1897 the company was already selling 800 different items. At the 50th anniversary, 75 people were employed in sales. In 1945, however, the entire company was confiscated, which was followed by expropriation without compensation in the spring of 1946 . Bergmann's company ran under the name Rosodont-Werk Waldheim until 1970. In 1992, privatization through management buy-out (MBO) took place without the involvement of the Bergmann family . Today the company runs under the name Florena Cosmetik GmbH and has been a subsidiary of Beiersdorf AG since 2002 . To this day, this company is one of the oldest and most traditional cosmetics companies in Germany.

Individual evidence

  1. a b c Employers' Association North chemistry eV, Association of the Chemical Industry Association, National Association Northeast (ed.): Chemists from A to Z A biographical lexical overview of the chemistry and its most important representatives in East Germany. Berlin, 2006, 2nd revised and expanded edition, p. 30.
  2. a b c ChemieFreunde Erkner e. V .: Bergmann, Adolf Heinrich August.ösungen/bergmann_a_h_a.htm , accessed on April 2, 2020.
  3. ^ A b Frank Korn: From Waldheim into the world. In: Sächsische Zeitung (online), April 27, 2018, .