Adolf von Heerwart

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Adolf Heerwart , from 1895 from Heerwart , (* July 20, 1828 in Eisenach , † November 19, 1899 in Jena ) was a German politician .


Born as the son of a judge, Heerwart studied law in Jena after private tuition and attending grammar school in Eisenach . During his studies in 1846 he became a member of the Teutonia Jena fraternity . He took part in the Wartburg Festival in 1848 and attended some meetings of the Paulkirche parliament in Frankfurt am Main . He was a staunch supporter of the revolution of 1848/1849 . In the winter semester of 1848/49 he continued his studies in Heidelberg and returned to Jena for the winter semester of 1849/50. In 1850 and 1852 he passed his state exams in Weimar . During this time he was also promoted to Dr. iur. PhD .

From 1851 he worked as an accessist and then as an auditor at the judicial authorities in Eisenach. He then worked from 1855 to 1858 as an intern at the General Inspector of the Thuringian Customs and Trade Association in Erfurt . In 1856 he took part in the 12th General Conference of the Customs Union as a recorder . In 1858 he was appointed finance assessor and in 1860 finance counselor. In Weimar he headed the Goethestift for some time and frequented the Salon of Princess Wittgenstein and Liszt at the Altenburg . In 1869 he went on a trip to Italy with Weimar artists. From 1858 to 1881 he was a consultant and lecturer in the finance department of the Weimar State Ministry. In 1868 Carl Schurz visited him in Weimar. Heerwart was permanent commissioner at the Prussian state parliament in Berlin . In 1869 he was accepted into the Federal Customs Council and was Deputy Plenipotentiary to the Federal Council in Berlin for Reuss' older line ; from 1872 for Sachsen-Weimar and from 1880 to 1898 for six Thuringian states. During this time he maintained close relationships with the imperial court through the Weimar empress Augusta von Sachsen-Weimar-Eisenach . In 1872 he was appointed secret finance councilor, in 1881 secret legation councilor. In 1881 he moved to Berlin and was appointed permanent deputy chairman of the Federal Council of the German Empire with residence in Berlin . In 1883 he became a State Councilor. In 1884 he took part in the laying of the foundation stone of the Berlin Reichstag building and in 1888 in its opening. He was immortalized by Anton von Werner in diplomatic uniform on a work created for this event.

Anton von Werner : Opening of the Reichstag (1888)

In 1884 he became a member of the Reich Insurance Office . In 1887 he refused a ministerial office in Saxe-Coburg and Gotha. In 1887 he was appointed a secret councilor and in 1891 a real secret councilor with the title of excellence . In 1899 he retired due to an illness from which he died shortly afterwards.

He was Wilhelm Rein's father-in-law .



  • Trial relation from civil files. Dissertation around 1850.


  • Helge Dvorak: Biographical Lexicon of the German Burschenschaft. Volume I: Politicians. Volume 7: Supplement A – K. Winter, Heidelberg 2013, ISBN 978-3-8253-6050-4 , pp. 436-438.