Adolfo Gass

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Adolfo Gass (born May 25, 1914 in Carlos Casares , Province of Buenos Aires , † January 3, 2010 in Tigre ) was an Argentine diplomat and politician .


Adolfo Gass was the youngest of nine siblings and studied medicine at the Universidad de Buenos Aires in 1940. He was a member of the Unión Cívica Radical . His son is César Aníbal Gass, license holder of the motor vehicle registration authority Registro Nº 2 de Cipoletti in the suburb of Neuquén - Plottier - Cipolletti of Buenos Aires.

In 1963 the government of Arturo Umberto Illia sent Adolfo Gass as ambassador to Israel . He was then appointed head of the Tigre Hospital. Because of his opposition to Juan Perón , he was dismissed from this post during his second term. In 1973 he was a member of parliament and together with Raúl Alfonsín , Conrado Storani, Edison Otero, Raúl Borrás and Roque Carranza, he founded the Movimiento de Renovación y Cambioeine , a movement of the radical party.

In 1976, under the dictatorship that began with Jorge Rafael Videla , he was persecuted, found sanctuary and emigrated to Venezuela . He was a senator from 1983 to 1992; During this time he was also chairman of the commission for Relaciones Exteriores y Culto, when a peace agreement was negotiated with Chile, which regulated the borders with Chile after a referendum.

It rests on the Cementerio parque Jardín de Paz in Pilar.

Individual evidence

  1. ^ El Registro Automotor En Medio De Un Nuevo Escandalo Politico - Favor Político Por Cuestiones De Humanismo . Retrieved August 12, 2012.
  2. ^ Murió el histórico dirigente radical Adolfo Gass . In: La Nación . January 3, 2010. Retrieved August 12, 2012.
  3. ^ Murió el ex senador radical Adolfo Gass . In: La Nación . January 4, 2010. Retrieved August 12, 2012.
  4. ^ Murió el ex senador Adolfo Gass, un histórico de la UCR . In: Clarín . January 4, 2010. Retrieved August 12, 2012.
predecessor Office successor
Luis F. Castells Argentine ambassador to Israel
1963 to 1965
Rodolfo Baltiérrez