Adolph von Staff called von Reitzenstein

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Higher Regional Court President Dr. von Staff, Marienwerder, the new President of the Düsseldorf Higher Regional Court, in “Rhein und Düssel” on September 16, 1916

Adolph von Staff called von Reitzenstein (born October 1, 1854 in Liegnitz ; † August 2, 1936 ) was President of the Higher Regional Courts of Marienwerder and Düsseldorf and of the Higher Regional Court in Berlin .


He got a doctorate. In 1880 he was appointed court assessor. In 1883 he came to Görlitz as a public prosecutor. In 1891 he was transferred to the public prosecutor's office at the Wroclaw Higher Regional Court . He was appointed to the higher regional judge in Posen in 1896 and came to the higher regional court in Breslau in 1898. Adolph von Staff called von Reitzenstein was appointed Knight of Honor of the Order of St. John by Kaiser Wilhelm II in August 1896 . In 1903 he was promoted to President of the Wroclaw Regional Court. In Breslau he set up a juvenile court. Since 1910 he was a member of the permanent deputation of the German Lawyers' Associationand editor of the German Criminal Law Gazette (DStRZ). In 1911 he became president of the Marienwerder Higher Regional Court. He was probably a member of the Reichsdeutsche Brother-in-Arms Association . On October 1, 1916, he became President of the Düsseldorf Higher Regional Court . Problems were the revolution in 1918 and the Ruhr uprising in 1920 and the Belgian occupation forces . After being appointed President of the Chamber Court in January 1921, the French occupied Düsseldorf on March 8th . On April 1, 1921, he came to the Berlin Court of Justice as President. However, he had to retire on October 1, 1922, because, like his predecessor Wilhelm Heinroth, he had reached the newly introduced age limit of 68 years.


He was with Anna Maria Elisabeth, geb. Mathesius married. His son Hans von Staff called von Reitzenstein was a recognized geologist.


Individual evidence

  1. Deutscher Reichs-Anzeiger of August 26, 1896 , accessed on August 27, 2020.
  2. ^ Deutsche Juristen-Zeitung, Volume 16 (1911), Col. 529 .
  3. Deutsche Juristen-Zeitung, Volume 21 (1916), Sp. 877/878 .
  4. October 1 according to Section 2 (1) of the law on the introduction of an age limit of December 15, 1920 ( GS p. 621 ( digital copy ))