Adonias Filho

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Adonias Aguiar Filho

Adonias Filho , actually Adonias Aguiar Jr. (born November 27, 1915 in Itajuípe , Bahia ; † August 2, 1990 in Ilhéus , Bahia) was a Brazilian writer.


Adonias Filho came from a long-established cocoa- growing family; his parents were Adonias Aguiar and Rachel Bastos de Aguiar. In 1922 he started school at the elementary school in Ilhéus and six years later he moved to the boarding school in Salvador da Bahia run by Jesuits (one of his classmates at the time was the later writer Jorge Amado ).

After successfully completing school, Adonias Filho went to Rio de Janeiro and settled there as a journalist; he wrote u. a. for magazines and newspapers such as "Revista do Brasil", "Correio da Manhã" and "A Manhã". In the latter, he oversaw the feature pages for many years and published there under the pseudonym Djalma Viana . In 1944 he wanted to set up his own publishing house - Ocidente - but failed after a short time and therefore took over the management of the publishing house A Noite until 1950 .

In 1950 he switched to politics and was a member of the state of Bahia for parliament; but was not elected. During this time Adonias Filho was able to debut successfully as an author; his first novel, "Os Servos de Morte" was published in 1946. In 1954 he was entrusted with the management of the Serviço Nacional de Teatro and also with that of the Instituto Nacional do Livro .

When Adonias Filho was appointed head of the Brazilian National Library in Rio de Janeiro in 1961 , he was already a well-known writer. He held this office until 1971.

At the age of almost 75, Adonias Filho died on August 2, 1990 in Ilhéus, where he found his final resting place.



In his oeuvre, Adonias Filho repeatedly addresses the struggle of humans against the forces of nature: the fate of the Caboclos in a landscape that they wrested from nature with almost inhuman efforts, but have to constantly defend. His work thus represents a bridge between the "Sertão Guimaraes Rosa " and the "Zona Cacaueira Bahia" by Jorge Amado. Adonis Filho always falls back on traditional ballads, legends and myths. Adonias Filho is an important representative of the modernist literary group Grupo Festa , which also includes Cecília Meireles , Tasso da Silveira and José Muricy with their short-lived magazine Revista Festa .

Works (selection)

  • Memórias de Lázaro. Novela . 1952.
  • Corpo vivo . 1962.
  • O Forte . 1965.
  • As velhas. Novela . 1975.
Books for children and young readers
  • Uma nota de cem . 1973.
  • Tasso da Silveira o tema da poesia eterna . 1937.
  • Modernos ficcionistas brasileiros . 1958.
  • História da Bahia . 1963.
  • O bloqueio cultural . 1964.
  • Auto de Ilhéus . 1981.


  • Adonias Filho . In: Walter Jens (Hrsg.): Kindlers Literature Lexicon . Vol. 1, Kindler, Munich 1988, ISBN 3-463-43001-0 , pp. 100-101.
  • M. Fátima Albuquerque: The Brazilian nationalist myth in Adonias Filho's "Corpo Vivo" . In: Portuguese Studies. Vol. 3 (1987) pp. 149-158, ISSN  0267-5315 .
  • Thomas G. Deveny: Narrative techniques in Adonias Filho's "Memorias de Lázaro" . In: Hispania. A journal devoted to the teaching of Spanish and Portuguese. Vol. 63 (1980), No. 2, pp. 321-327, ISSN  0018-2133 .
  • Dieter Reichardt: Latin American authors. Literary dictionary . Erdmann, Tübingen 1972, ISBN 3-7711-0152-2 , pp. 156-157.
  • Elisa D. dos Santos: Adonias Filho. a triloiga do cacau . In: Letras de hoje. Vol. 34 (1999), No. 118, pp. 101-110, ISSN  0101-3335 .
  • Homero Silveira: Adonias Filho, ficcionista . In: Convivium. Revista de investigação e cultura. Vol. 19 (1976), No. 4, pp. 318-343.
  • Assis Brasil: Adonias Filho, Ensaio . Editorial Simões, Rio de Janeiro 1969.
  • João B. Cardoso: Literatura do cacau. Ficção, ideologia e realidade em Adonias Filho, Euclides Neto , James Amado , Jorge Amado . Editoria da UESC, Ilhéus 2006, ISBN 85-7455-113-9 .
  • Pavia Lidmilová: Alguns temas de literatura brasileira. Estudis sobre Adonias Filho, Antônio Callado , Assis Brasil . Editorial Nórdica, Rio de Janeiro 1984.
  • Maria da C. Paranhos: Adonias Filho. Representação épica da forma dramática . Casa de Jorga Amado, Salvador da Bahia 1989.
  • Michael Rössner (ed.): Latin American literary history . 3. Edition. Metzler, Stuttgart 2007, ISBN 978-3-476-02224-0 .

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