Agustí Grau i Huguet

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Independent Composer of Catalonia (CIC). From left to right: Robert Gerhard , Agustí Grau, Joan Gibert Camins , Eduard Toldrà , Manuel Blancafort , Baltasar Samper and Ricard Lamote de Grignon . Frederic Mompou is missing in the picture . (1931)

Agustí Grau i Huguet (born March 23, 1893 in Alforja (Tarragona province), † 1964 ) was a Catalan composer and music critic. Grau was the least known member of the Group of Eight, or the Group of Independent Catalan Composers (CIC), as it was also known.

life and work

Grau studied piano and composition with Enric Morera at the Conservatori Superior de Música del Liceu . Right from the start, he combined his work as a composer with music criticism. In 1923 he founded and directed the Revista Catalana de Música . He also worked on the magazine Vibracions . He worked with numerous other Catalan publication organs.

His compositional work is rather small. It contains works for piano, piano and voice, piano solo and even an opera called Laya. In 1930 Grau had composed the barcarole Tamarit for piano, the middle section of which used Mozzarabic songs from the areas around Tarragona.

Selected Works

  • Corranda (Old Catalan Dance) (1929), for guitar
  • Tamarit (Barcarole) (1930), for piano
  • Fable (Little Tragedy Between Two Pearls) (1934), for guitar
  • Berceuse ancienne (evocation) (1957), for guitar
  • Escenes de la llar (Scenes by the Fireplace), for violin and piano
  • Hores intimate, for piano


Web links

Individual evidence

  1. a b c d e f g Agustí Grau i Huguet. In: Gran Enciclopèdia de la Música.
  2. a b Naxos: Agustí Grau i Huguet.