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Aizoanthemum hispanicum

Aizoanthemum hispanicum

Nuclear eudicotyledons
Order : Clove-like (Caryophyllales)
Family : Midday flowers (Aizoaceae)
Subfamily : Aizooideae
Genre : Aizoanthemum
Scientific name
Behind ex Friedrich

Aizoanthemum is a genus of plants fromthe afternoon flower family (Aizoaceae).


The species of the genus Aizoanthemum grow as annual , herbaceous plants with upright to spread out, rarely prostrate branches. Their young internodes are covered with elongated papillae , older ones with distant, shorter papillae. When dry, the papillae appear like flat scales. The alternate leaves are only occasionally opposite in the distal part of the inflorescence. They are elongated oval and often tapered towards their base. Sometimes a petiole is present. The papillae are low and inconspicuous or more prominent.

The flowers are in large inflorescences that more or less encompass the entire plant. Usually they are exclusively branched distally . Their perigone is papillate on the outside and greenish, white or yellow on the inside. The perigone lobes are all more or less the same length. There is a central ovary as well as numerous flat stamens at their base . The more or less spherical or columnar capsule fruits are five to ten pods. Their valves open completely through parallel, long swelling ridges that extend from the center of the fruit to the valve tips. The fruits contain dark brown to black, kidney-shaped to round, concentrically ribbed seeds .

Systematics and distribution

The disjoint distribution area of the genus Aizoanthemum extends on the one hand from southern Angola to northern Namibia . On the other hand, it extends from the Canary Islands and southern Spain along the southern coast of the Mediterranean to Syria , Armenia , Iraq and Iran . The plants usually grow near the coast on sandy soils.

The first description was in 1957 by Hans Christian Friedrich . The genus Aizoanthemum includes the following species:



Individual evidence

  1. ^ Notices from the Botanical State Collection, Munich . Volume 2, Munich 1957, p. 342.
  2. Heidrun EK Hartmann (Ed.): Illustrated Handbook of Succulent Plants: Aizoaceae AE . Springer Verlag, Berlin / Heidelberg / New York 2001, ISBN 3-540-41691-9 , pp. 28-29 .

Web links

Commons : Aizoanthemum  - collection of images, videos and audio files