Akiba Israel Wertheimer

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Portrait of Akiba Israel Wertheimer

Akiba Israel Wertheimer (civil: Jakob Viktor Wertheimer , also known as Akiba Breslau or Breslauer , Akiba Victor or Akiwa ben Awigdor Wertheimer , born 1778 in Breslau ; died on May 20, 1835 in Altona ) was the first Oberlandesrabbiner of the Danish duchies of Schleswig since 1823 and Holstein , as well as chief rabbi in Altona. He was an advocate of Orthodox Judaism .


Akiba (or Ekiva . O Akiva ) Wertheimer was in Breslau, the son of about 1,778 Torah -Gelehrten Avigdor Wertheimer (died 1826) was born and learned at an early age, first at Rabbi Isaiah Pick aka Isaiah Berlin, before moving into one of the greatest Talmud - Academies learned, that of Akiba Eger in Märkisch Friedland . He then worked as a rabbi in the city of Grätz (Polish: Grodzisk Wielkopolski ), which at that time belonged to the newly formed province of South Prussia .

In 1805 he got a scholarly position at the Altonaer Klaus , a Jewish teaching and learning institution supported by foundation capital. During the Napoleonic occupation from around 1806 he was chief rabbi in Lübeck and Moisling, which belongs to Lübeck (see also Moisling synagogue ). After around ten years, he returned to his old Klausstelle in Altona in 1816 after the Moislinger community was impoverished. The return to Altona happened before the Lübeck expulsion of Jews in 1821. Wertheimer moved to Kleine Papagaienstraße at the corner of Langen Straße No. 157 (since 1829 No. 156). He stayed at this address until his death.

In Altona in 1819 he opposed the Hamburg reformers of Judaism and forbade the use of the Jewish prayer book in German. Wertheimer became a bitter opponent of Reform Judaism . In 1823 he was appointed the first chief rabbi of the Danish duchies of Schleswig and Holstein, including Altona. For the Altona rabbinate he succeeded the late Rabbi Mendel Hirsch Frankfurter (1742–1823), the grandfather of Samson Raphael Hirsch .

Akiba Wertheimer died in Altona in 1835 at the age of about 57. His gravestone can still be found in the Jewish cemetery in Altona . Jakob Ettlinger became Wertheimer's successor as chief rabbi .


Wertheimer is the grandfather in the paternal line of the philosopher Constantin Brunner (born Arjeh Yehuda Wertheimer ). He was possibly married several times, u. a. with Vogel (Fanny) Meyer (?? - 1831).

Wertheimer had a total of eight children, four of whom were sons:

  • Betty Wertheimer
  • Miriam Wertheimer - Marianne Wertheimer? ∞ on May 27, 1834 with Mathias Benjamin from Schermbeck
  • Hanna Wertheimer
  • Jakob Wertheimer (1799– ??) - the eldest son, ∞ Renette Levy
  • Abraham Hirsch Wertheimer
  • Meir (Meyer) Wertheimer - emigrated to England
  • Moses Wertheimer (1807–1887) - Torah scholar and father of Constantin Brunner, ∞ Rachel (Rieke) Levy
  • Jette Wertheimer (1801–1890) ∞ Isaak Joseph Michael (1795– ??)


  • Matthias Springborn: Emancipation from Jewish Orthodoxy. The youth and apprenticeship years 1862–1890 of Leo Wertheimer alias Constantin Brunner . In: Aschkenas , Volume 29, Issue 2, Berlin / Boston: de Gruyter 2019, pp. 313–349.
  • Abraham Suhl: On Constantin Brunner's biography. In: The Constantin Brunner Thought. (Edited by Dr. R. Pinner and Dr. A. Suhl) Volume 1, Issue 3/4, August 1955, pp. 21–33.

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. http://www.steinheim-institut.de/wiki/index.php/RabbinerHandbuch:1:Namenliste#W
  2. ^ A b c d Matthias Springborn: Emancipation from Jewish Orthodoxy. The youth and apprenticeship years 1862–1890 of Leo Wertheimer alias Constantin Brunner. In: Aschkenas, Volume 29, Issue 2, Berlin / Boston: de Gruyter 2019, pages 313–349, here pp. 319–321.
  3. ^ Altona address books
  4. Information from the database of the Hamburg Society for Jewish Genealogy eV, on the Wertheimer family see also biographical texts on Constantin Brunner
  5. LAV NRW OWL, P8, No. 146, p. 16: http://dfg-viewer.de/show/?id=8071&tx_dlf%5Bid%5D=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.landesarchiv-nrw.de% 2Fdigitalisate% 2FAbt_Ostwestfalen-Lippe% 2FP8% 2F% 7E001% 2F00146% 2Fmets.xml & tx_dlf% 5Bpage% 5D = 16