Akio Suzuki

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Akio Suzuki ( Japanese 鈴木 昭 男 Suzuki Akio ; * 1941 in Heijō, Protectorate Korea (today Pyongyang , North Korea ), Empire of Japan ) is a Japanese pioneer of sound art .

life and work

Akio Suzuki was born in 1941 to Japanese parents in Pyongyang, then known as Heijō. When he was four years old, his family moved back to Japan near Nagoya in Aichi Prefecture , where Akio Suzuki grew up. Initially studying architecture , he began to be more and more interested in sound, developed his own instruments (the Analapos is known ) and used found objects and his own voice to create tones and sound spaces. The performance Analapos realized Suzuki in 1987 at the Documenta 8 in Kassel. A central theme and basis for his works is Suzuki's fascination with the echo as a natural phenomenon that turns the past into the present. Suzuki explains its relationship to the visible world in the following words:

“Any kind of living thing sleeps at night and wakes up in the daytime, so life and living means open eyes. I want people to open their eyes when they listen. Sometimes in a concert, people close their eyes and listen only to the sound — to try to listen to pure sound. But I want the audience to use all their senses. I want people to open their senses, open their eyes, and feel their total surroundings. "

- Akio Suzuki

“All living things sleep at night and wake up during the day, so to live and be alive means to have your eyes open. I want people to keep their eyes open even when listening. Sometimes at concerts the audience closes their eyes to concentrate solely on listening. I want people to use all their senses and open their eyes to perceive the complexity of their surroundings. "

A well-known work by Akio Suzuki is Otodate ( 点 音  (oto-date)) , which was realized in Bonn in 2014 . “Otodate” is a Japanese word which is composed of the characters for “tone, sound” and “point”. It is also translated as "echo point". After the gradual relocation of the German seat of government caused by the capital city resolution, Suzuki toured both Berlin and Bonn . Fascinated by the acoustically newly created urban spaces, the vacancy of entire canyons in Bonn and the rapid construction of buildings using gigantic construction cranes in Berlin, Akio Suzuki developed the concept for Otodate and found 25 in 1996 for the Sonambiente Festival ( curator : Matthias Osterwold ) Echo points on the Museum Island in Berlin. A white symbol on the pavement marks a total of 22 echo points in Bonn, which invite visitors to stand on them and consciously perceive the sound quality of the surroundings. The symbol is a circle in which something in between the auricle and footprint can be seen.

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. documenta 8 catalog: Volume 1: Essays; Volume 2: Catalog page 308; Volume 3: artist book; Kassel 1987, ISBN 3-925272-13-5
  2. music works, Chris Kennedy Akio Suzuki , accessed May 1, 2015
  3. e / static Akio Suzuki: Hana / Otodate in Torino , accessed on May 1, 2015 (English)
  4. Festival Bonn listen 2014 oto-date bonn , accessed on May 1, 2015