al-Aqsa TV

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Infobox radio tower icon
Al-Aqsa TV
TV station (private)
reception Satellite : Arabsat 2B , Arabsat 4A , Atlantic Bird 4
Image resolution ( Entry missing )
Start of transmission January 2006
owner Al Ribat Communications and Artistic Productions , a Hamas company
executive Director Fathi Ahmad Hammad
List of TV channels

al-Aqsa TV ( Arabic قناة الأقصى, DMG Qanāt al-Aqṣā ) is an Arabic-language television station based in the Gaza Strip . It is operated by the Palestinian Hamas .


The station, directed by Fathi Ahmad Hammad , began broadcasting in January 2006, making it the first private station in the Gaza Strip. Fathi Ahmad Hammad, a leader of the Qassam Brigades in North Gaza, was elected to the Palestinian Legislative Council on January 25, 2006 . He is the managing director of Al Ribat Communications and Artistic Productions , a Hamas-owned company that also operates the Hamas radio station Voice of Al Aqsa and publishes the Al-Risalah newspaper twice a week .

The broadcasting operations are apparently only financed by donations from private individuals and from Islamic organizations.

Al-Aqsa TV is like the Lebanese Hezbollah transmitter al-Manar , who both model and competition, to the radicalization of Muslims in Germany is.

In the Fatah- controlled West Bank , the Al-Aqsa TV office in Ramallah was searched in June 2007 and the station's activities were banned in September 2007. This was justified with the inciting broadcast content.

A decision of the United States House of Representatives in September 2008 called on the US president, al-Aqsa TV to foreign terrorist organization to explain (Specially Designated Global Terrorist entity) because the sender to violence against the US and Israel and hatred against the West incite, as well as help foreign terrorist organizations with recruitment, fundraising and propaganda. In 2008, members of the European Parliament repeatedly asked the EU Commission why al-Aqsa TV was allowed to use European satellite capacity in the form of the Atlantic Bird 4 satellite, which the French operator Eutelsat leases to the Jordanian satellite operator Noorsat, in contravention of Article 22 of Directive 89/552 / EEC and contrary to Article 3b of Directive 2007/65 / EC on the exercise of television activities in programs to incite hatred and violence. The Commission pointed to the competence of the French regulatory authority ( Conseil Supérieur de l'Audiovisuel , CSA), a lack of formal complaints and ongoing international negotiations.

On December 28, 2008, the transmission building in Gaza was destroyed in an Israeli attack as part of Operation Cast Lead , but was able to continue operation via mobile stations.

On November 12, 2018, the station building in Gaza City was destroyed in a bombardment by the Israeli Air Force after the station was requested by the Israeli side to vacate the building.

Program content

The station is run by the Islamist Hamas and serves as a mouthpiece and propaganda station for anti-Semitic and anti-Israeli contributions. The channel's programming includes news programs, political commentary, Quran recitations and children's programs.

With the weekly children's program “Pioneers of Tomorrow” and the soft toy, the “Mouse Farfur”, an imitation of Mickey Mouse , al-Aqsa TV deliberately created a television format whose Friday target group is (small) children. Due to massive international protests, the mouse had to resign - the US media group The Walt Disney Company had already examined legal action. The Palestinian Minister of Information, Mustafa Barghuti , then had the broadcast canceled. According to the Washington organization Anti-Defamation League , "Tomorrow's Pioneers" is now being broadcast again. Hamas later had the mouse murdered by a “Jewish terrorist”. The child moderator Saraa commented concerned that Farfur had died a martyr. This was followed by "Nahul the bee", which was soon replaced by the "hare Assud". Through him, his underage viewers were called to murder the Danish cartoonist Kurt Westergaard because he had violated the honor of the Prophet Mohammed. Samir Abu Muhsin is responsible for the series.

Self-produced cartoons are also broadcast , in which the inner-Palestinian opponents of Fatah are portrayed as rats or stereotyped Jews want to destroy the Al-Aqsa mosque .

In a puppet show in March 2008, a child's doll stabbed a George W. Bush doll and turned the White House into a mosque .

A recording on the station also attracted a lot of attention, in which kindergarten children, masked and with dummy weapons, displayed exercises and committed themselves to jihad.

According to Israeli sources, Palestinian civilians have repeatedly been asked via al-Aqsa TV to stand in front of the buildings of Hamas officials as a human shield .

Sometimes, however, Al-Aqsa TV also broadcasts content that is difficult to reconcile with Hamas' strictly Islamic orientation: During the Gaza war, the station inadvertently broadcast the program of the Polish porn channel Patio-TV .

In 2015 the station was operated in the Palestinian Territories in the West Bank by the | Banned by Palestinian Authority . On March 6, 2019, the Israeli government declared the station a terrorist organization, which also includes a ban. The reason given for this move was that Al-Asqa-TV promoted all elements of Palestinian terror, including the murder of Jews, calls for suicide bombings, kidnapping of Israeli soldiers, the bombing of Israeli cities and the destruction of Israel.


The YouTube live stream subject in Germany of censorship : "Live streaming is because of rights problems in Germany not possible."

Al-Aqsa TV can be received via three satellites in parts of the Middle East, North Africa and Europe and thus also in Germany. Two Arabsat ( Arabsat 2B and Arabsat 4A ), which belong to the Arab League , and Arab Radio and Television , a Saudi operator that uses satellite transmission via Eutelsat ( Atlantic Bird 4 ), are responsible for the transmission .

In addition, al-Aqsa TV maintains its own website hosted by a Canadian company that has its servers in San Jose , California .

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. a b c Lyngsat ( Memento of January 21, 2009 in the Internet Archive ), as of January 5, 2008
  2. ^ Peter Adams: Hi-Tech Hamas. Reporting From the Gaza Strip ( Memento June 15, 2006 in the Internet Archive ) . In: of January 22, 2006
  3. ^ Erik Westervelt: Hamas Launches Television Network (transcript) . In: NPR Morning Edition . February 3, 2006
  4. a b c d Alexander Ritzmann: Hamas radicalizes children with hate rabbits . In: Die Welt from March 19, 2008
  5. ^ Attacks on the Press 2007: Israel and the Occupied Palestinian Territory . In: Committee to Protect Journalists, February 5, 2008
  6. ^ PA shuts down Al Aqsa TV Station in the West Bank . In: International Middle East Media Center (IMEMC) dated. September 20, 2007
  7. a b Hamas-Style Lion King Vanquishes Fatah Rats in an Al-Aqsa TV Animated Film . Clip # 1540 Broadcast: August 23, 2007
  8. Resolution 1069 of the US House of Representatives of September 9, 2008
  9. Questions from the European Parliament to the Commission regarding "European satellite capacity for the terrorist channel Al-Aqsa": Hybášková June 9, 2008 (H-0476/08) , Ries, July 10, 2008 (H-0485/08) , Takkula, October 9, 2008 (H-0843/08) and Casaca, October 23, 2008 (H-0741/08)
  10. " Second day of the air strikes in the Gaza Strip - Violence is followed by more violence ( Memento from December 29, 2008 in the Internet Archive )" - Tagesschau from December 28, 2008
  11. Escalation in the Gaza Strip: Israel bombs Hamas television stations . In: Spiegel Online . November 12, 2018 ( [accessed November 12, 2018]).
  12. ^ A b c Elke Hofmann: Micky as a hate preacher ( Memento from May 29, 2007 in the Internet Archive ) . In: philtrat. Student magazine from Cologne . Issue 79, July 2007
  13. Norbert Jessen: The Islamist mission with the mouse . In: Die Welt from May 10, 2007
  14. Hamas cartoon showing: Jews endanger Al-Aqsa mosque by digging under its foundations. Al-Aqsa TV, Aug. 28, 2008 Palestinian Media Watch
  15. Islamist agitation: Hamas TV stabbed Bush doll . ZEIT online, Tagesspiegel from April 1, 2008
  16. ^ Esti Keller: Hamas TV airs show of child killing Bush . In: The Jerusalem Post of March 31, 2008
  17. - Report on exercises by kindergarten children ( memento from October 8, 2007 in the Internet Archive ) from June 3, 2007
  18. - Video report on drill exercises by kindergarten children
  19. ^ Five days of escalation in the Gaza Strip ( memento of January 23, 2009 in the Internet Archive ) . In: Intelligence and Terrorism Information Center at the Israel Intelligence Heritage & Commemoration Center (IICC) of March 3, 2008
  20. Hamas broadcaster shows Pornos from January 8, 2009, accessed on April 11, 2011
  21. Israel bans “Al-Aqsa-TV” because of agitation. In: Israelnetz .de. March 7, 2019, accessed March 17, 2019 .
  22. [1]