Aladár Székely

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Self-Portrait (1910)

Aladár Székely (born March 5, 1870 in Békésgyula , Austria-Hungary as Adolf Bleyer; died September 27, 1940 in Budapest , Kingdom of Hungary ) was a Hungarian photographer.


Adolf Bleyer magyarized his name to Aladár Székely.

Székely trained as a photographer with the Dunky brothers in Kolozsvár . From the 1890s he worked in Orosháza and his hometown. From 1900 he had his own photo studio in different locations in Budapest and in 1906 he was the first in Budapest to set up an advertising display case on the boulevard Nagykörút . He portrayed the Hungarian artists József Rippl-Rónai , Béla Bartók and Loránd Eötvös . In 1914 Endre Ady and Ignotus wrote a foreword to his photo book Írók és művészek . His photos also appeared in the literary magazine Nyugat .

Székely is buried on the Új köztemető .

Writings / exhibitions

  • Irók es művészek . Preface by Ady Endre and Ignotus. Budapest: Singer és Wolfner, 1915
  • Katalin Dávid: Székely Aladár munkassága . Budapest: Corvina, 1968
  • Csorba E Csilla: Székely Aladár: a művészi fényképész 1870–1940 . Budapest: Vince Kiadó, 2003.
  • Erzsébet Vezér, István Maróti, István Gazdag: Adyra gondolok: 125 vers Ady Endréről . Budapest: Petőfi Irodalmi Múzeum, 2002

Web links

Commons : Photographs by Aladár Székely  - collection of images, videos and audio files