Alain Gerber

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Alain Gerber (born August 31, 1943 in Belfort ) is a French author and jazz critic .


Gerber studied philosophy and received a PhD in psychology. He initially worked as a philosophy teacher in Belfort and Ouagadougou ( Burkina Faso ); in addition, he wrote from 1964 for Jazz Magazine . Between 1971 and 2008 he produced jazz programs such as Black and Blue for France Musique and France Culture (which he founded with Lucien Malson ) and worked as a journalist in Paris.

As an author, he wrote the radio plays Un oiseau au plumage de fumée about Billie Holiday and Le Jazz est un Roman, as well as numerous essays and novels that revolved around jazz musicians such as Chet Baker and Miles Davis in the later phase of his career . Gerber is a member of the French Académie du Jazz and the Collège de 'Pataphysique .

Prizes and awards

He received the Prix ​​du roman populiste (1982) for his novel Une sorte de bleu . For Les jours de vin et de roses he was awarded the Prix ​​Goncourt de la nouvelle and the Grand Prix de la nouvelle 1984 of the Société des Gens de Lettres . On the occasion of the publication of Une rumeur d'éléphant , Gerber received the Grand Prix du roman de la ville de Paris in 1984 for his life's work. For his Petit dictionnaire incomplet des incompris (Éditions Alter ego) Gerber received the Prix ​​du livre de jazz 2012 from the French Académie du Jazz .



  • 1975 La color orange
  • 1976 Le buffet de la gare
  • 1977 Le plaisir des sens
  • 1979 Le faubourg des coups-de-trique
  • 1980 Une sorte de bleu , (Prix du roman populiste)
  • 1981 Le Jade et l'Obsidienne
  • 1982 Le lapin de lune
  • 1982 Les Jours de vin et de roses
  • 1984 Une rumeur d'éléphant
  • 1986 Les heureux jours de Monsieur Ghichka
  • 1987 La trace-aux-esclaves
  • 1989 Le Verger du diable , roman ( Prix ​​Interallié )
  • 1991 Mylena or La maison du silence
  • 1994 L'aile du temps
  • 2001 Jours de brume sur les hauts plateaux
  • 2001 Chet
  • 2002 Louie
  • 2004 Le roi du jazz
  • 2005 Charlie
  • 2005 Lady Day: histoire d'amours
  • 2007 Paul Desmond et le côté féminin du monde
  • 2007 Miles
  • 2009 blues
  • 2010 Insensitivity (Django)
  • 2013 Une année sabbatique


  • 1985: Le Cas Coltrane
  • 1990: Portraits and Jazz
  • 1998: Fiesta In Blue , vol. 1, textes sur le Jazz
  • 1999: Fiesta In Blue , vol. 2, textes sur le Jazz (Prix Charles Delaunay de l 'Académie du Jazz)
  • 2000: Lester Young , essai (Prix de l 'Académie Charles Cros)
  • 2001: Clifford Brown
  • 2001: Bill Evans
  • 2003: Jack Teagarden : pluie d'étoiles sur l ' Alabama
  • 2007: Balades en jazz

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. Palmarès 2012 de l'Académie du Jazz , of January 16, 2013, accessed February 3, 2013 (French)