Alarico Fernandes

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Alarico Jorge G. Fernandes was an East Timorese politician, independence activist and freedom fighter. He came from Aissirimou ( Aileu municipality ).

Fernandes was one of the founders of the left-wing East Timorese party FRETILIN (first under the name ASDT) in 1974 and was its first general secretary . According to the then Secretary for External Relations, José Ramos-Horta , he belonged to the communist wing of the party.

After East Timor's independence was proclaimed in 1975, Fernandes became Minister of the Interior, Information and Security . After the invasion of Indonesia , Fernandes read FRETILIN's regular reports on the defensive struggle against the occupiers on the radio station Ma Sauber , although the truth content was not necessarily very high and FRETILIN's successes were constantly reported. The East Timorese received the station from the Communist Party of Australia in 1975 .

At the FRETILIN conference in Laline in August 1977, Fernandes opposed the prevailing opinion that further resistance would be possible without outside help. President Francisco Xavier do Amaral had already stayed away from the meeting because of his conflicting views. Amaral was deposed and arrested the following month. Fernandes surrendered to the Indonesians in September 1978. The radio station was tracked down by the Indonesians on December 12th and the broadcasts stopped. There are allegations that Fernandes defected to the Indonesians and sent coded messages over the radio to the invaders before his capture in order to reveal positions of the resistance. He is also said to have participated in the Indonesian Operation Skylight , in which a targeted attempt was made to persuade FRETILIN commanders to surrender or to eliminate them. Fernandes was brought to the island of Sumba by the Indonesians , where he lived from then on.

Alarico Fernandes returned to East Timor at the end of 2010. He was warmly welcomed by Prime Minister Xanana Gusmão .

See also

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Individual evidence

  1. a b Timor Haun Nian Doben, October 7, 2010, Alarico Fernandes reecontra com Xanana Gusmão em Díli . Retrieved February 3, 2016 .
  2. ^ School of Humanities and Social Sciences (HASS): ASDT
  3. a b c d "Part 3: The History of the Conflict" ( Memento from July 7, 2016 in the Internet Archive ) (PDF; 1.4 MB) from the "Chega!" Report of the CAVR (English)
  4. a b ABC Canberra, February 17, 2011 Treasure Trove: Radio for the people of East Timor
  5. a b Ângelo Novo's Page: The struggle of the east-timorese