Albert Edrei

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Albert Edrei (born November 26, 1914 in Alexandria , Egypt , †  April 29, 1998 in Princeton , New Jersey ) was an American mathematician .

Edrei first began studying engineering at the ETH Zurich , but then switched to mathematics and physics. In 1939 he received his doctorate from the ETH, his supervisor was George Pólya . During the Second World War he was in the French army and from 1945 to 1949 he was a lecturer at the University of Alexandria . From 1949 to 1952 he was at the universities of Saskatchewan and Colorado . Then he moved to Syracuse University . There he became Professor in 1956 and Distinguished Professor in 1971.

One focus of Edrei's work was the Nevanlinnasche value distribution theory . Much of his work on this topic is written together with Wolfgang Fuchs . Edrei also worked on various other topics of function theory , such as Padé approximation .

In 1950 he was invited speaker at the International Congress of Mathematicians (ICM) in Cambridge (Massachusetts) .


  • Professor Wolfgang Heinrich Johannes Fuchs. Professor Albert Edrei. Complex Variables, Theory and Application, Volume 13 (1989), Issues 1-2, pp. I-xxiv. Special issue in honor of A. Edrei and WHJ Fuchs with short biographies.

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. Dissertation in the Research Collection, doi : 10.3929 / ethz-a-000104602 ; with curriculum vitae (until 1938)