Albert Márkos (improvisation musician)

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Albert Márkos (* 1967 in Cluj ) is a Romanian-Hungarian cellist, improvisation musician and composer.

Márkos studied music in his hometown and played the cello in various Transylvanian symphony orchestras. In 1992 he turned to improvisation music. The following year he moved to Hungary and studied at the Dharma Gate Buddhist College in Budapest until 1997 .

As a composer of drama music, Márkos often worked with the director László Keszég , as a composer of ballet music with the choreographer Attila Egerházi and also emerged as a composer of film scores. As an improvisation musician he worked a. a. with Róbert Benkő , Szilárd Mezei , Attila Dóra , Szabolcs Tóth , László Keszég, István Grencsó , Tamás Gerőly , Zsolt Sőrés , Béla Ágoston , Samu Gryllus , Vince Varga , András Vígh , Roger Turner , Phil Minton, Tim Hodgkinson , Fred Frith , Krzysztof Knittel , Thomas Lehn , Birgit Ulher , Martin Klapper , John Butcher , Mats Gustafsson , Raymond Strid , DJ Mango , DJ Palotai and DJ Titusz together. Among other things, he appears in a duo with Szilárd Mezei and in a quartet with Szilárd Mezei, Frank Gratkowski and Martin Blume .
