Albert Siebenhüter

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Albert Siebenhüter (born July 28, 1913 in Bergheim , † December 28, 1995 in Lambach ) was abbot of Lambach Abbey from 1972 to 1986 .


Albert Seven guardians came in 1934 in the Benedictine - Abbey Schweiklberg one, studied in Rome and was ordained a priest in 1940. After military service and imprisonment, he headed the Benedictine College in Passau for twenty years until he was appointed prior to Lambach Abbey in 1965. In 1966 he was an administrator and in 1972 he was elected abbot. He brought the monastery to bloom again, especially by expanding the school. Siebenhüter resigned in 1986.

He was awarded the Great Silver Medal of Honor for Services to the Republic of Austria .

Since 1980 he was an honorary member of the Catholic student association AV Austria Innsbruck in the ÖCV .


  • Albert Siebenhüter in Biographia Benedictina (, version of November 12, 2016