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Alboldsberg is a deserted area in the district of Lendorf , a district of Borken in the north Hessian Schwalm-Eder district .

The place , first mentioned in 1123 as Alboldesberg , was not far southeast of Lendorf, north of today's Mühlhäuser Straße (L 3224), at about 202 m above sea level. It probably only consisted of an estate owned by the Spieskappel monastery ; in 1255 and 1265 it is referred to as curia and in 1298 and 1333 as predium . In the papal charter of the foundation of January 26, 1196, Pope Celestine III confirmed . the monastery ownership of Alboldesberc, among others .

In the beginning, the court was still liable to pay tithing to the Haina monastery . In June 1255 Abbot Gilbert von Spieskappel freed his farm Alboldesberg vom Heuzehnten by handing over a meadow to the Haina monastery . The fruit tithe was still owed to the Haina monastery. It was not until 1298 and 1333 that the two monasteries agreed on the little tithe.

In 1522 there is still talk of a monastery courtyard, but as early as 1527, the year the canon monastery Spieskappel was dissolved, the place Aberoldisberg was called a desert and the fields were distributed to three Meier zu Lendorf.


  1. Helfrich Bernhard Wenck: Hessische Landesgeschichte: Document book for the second volume of the Hessische Landesgeschichte . Varrentrapp, Frankfurt, 1797, p. 126
  2. The lords of Uttershausen also had tithe claims on site, which Heinrich von Uttershausen waived in the years 1269 and 1271 in relation to the Haina monastery.
  3. Helfrich Bernhard Wenck: Hessische Landesgeschichte: Document book for the second volume of the Hessische Landesgeschichte. Varrentrapp, Frankfurt, 1797, p. 180 fn.
  4. Agreement between Haina Monastery and Cappel on the Heuzehnten zu Alboldsberg

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Coordinates: 51 ° 3 '36 "  N , 9 ° 21' 2.5"  E