Albrecht Harten

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Albrecht Harten (born October 25, 1937 in Schwerin ; † December 11, 2017 ) was a German politician ( CDU ).


Harten was born in Schwerin in 1937, where he also graduated from high school . Then he went from the GDR to the FRG . Since the GDR high school diploma was not recognized, he passed the high school diploma again in Schleswig-Holstein . He then studied at the University of Hamburg and the University of Münster , where he also did his degree in economics. After completing his studies, he first worked at Galeria Kaufhof before starting in 1968 as a vocational school teacher at BBS Cuxhaven , where he worked until his retirement in 2001.

Harten was married and had three children.


Harten was chairman of the Ring of Christian Democratic Students in Münster and a member of the CDU. In Cuxhaven he was vice-district chairman and later district chairman of the CDU. In 1972 he was elected to the city council, a member of which he remained until his death.

Harten was Lord Mayor of Cuxhaven from November 12, 1981 to 1996 . In the local elections in 1996 he was replaced by the SPD candidate Hans-Heinrich Eilers . Albrecht Harten was first mayor from 1999 to 2000, second mayor from 2000 to 2006, first mayor from 2006 to 2011 and third mayor from 2013.

Individual evidence

  1. a b Cuxhavener Nachrichten: Cuxhaven mourns Albrecht Harten , December 12, 2017
  2. a b Cuxhavener Nachrichten: Albrecht Harten: He shaped Cuxhaven , December 13, 2017