Alec Reeves

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Alec Harley Reeves (born March 10, 1902 in Redhill , England, † October 13, 1971 ) was a British engineer . In 1937 he devised and formulated the principles of pulse code modulation (PCM) and applied for over 80 other patents.

Reeves studied engineering at Imperial College London . He found his first job in 1923 at Western Electric , one of the leading manufacturers of communications electronics. After the takeover of his employer by the International Telephone and Telegraph Corporation (ITT), Reeves moved in 1925 to their laboratory in Paris, the LMT, where he worked with well-known engineers such as Maurice Deloraine and Henri Busignies .

During the Second World War he worked at the Telecommunications Research Establishment (TRE) in Malvern under Robert Watson-Watt on the further development of the radar . Here he was instrumental in the development of the radio navigation system known as the oboe for British bombers.

He also devoted himself to improving communication systems. His productive work style led to the following inventions, among others:

  • Use of single sideband transmission in the shortwave range
  • Multiplex telephony with the help of pulse amplitude modulation
  • Superhet receiver for microwaves
  • A multi-channel carrier system for UHF radiotelephone connections.

Reeves was an extraordinary and very versatile man. Because of his fascination for the way the human brain works and its capabilities, he also dealt intensively with psychokinesis and telepathy .

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