Alessandro Nova

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Alessandro Nova (born May 15, 1954 in Milan ) is an Italian art historian and has been executive director at the Art History Institute in Florence (KHI) since 2006 , which has been an institute of the Max Planck Society since 2002 . Before his appointment at the KHI, he was the managing director of the “Center for Research in the Early Modern Age” (“Renaissance Institute”) at the University of Frankfurt .


Nova studied "Lettere e Filosofia" with a focus on art history at the Università degli Studi di Milano and at the Courtauld Institute of Art in London. Nova received her doctorate in 1982 at the Courtauld Institute in London and also acquired the title "Dottore di Ricerca" at the University of Milan in 1986. From 1986 to 1987 he was J. Paul Getty Postdoctoral Fellow and then from 1988 to 1994 "Assistant Professor" at Stanford University . From 1994 he was professor of art history with a focus on Renaissance at the Art History Institute of the University of Frankfurt am Main, after being called to Florence he was made an honorary professor in Frankfurt in 2006. Among the honors he has received are the Order of Merit of the Italian Republic ( Grande Ufficiale all'ordine del merito della Repubblica Italiana , 2005) and the Honorary membership in the Florentine Accademia del Disegno ( Accademico d'onore , since 2006).

Research priorities

His research interests include the art and culture of the early modern period , the art of mannerism , the art theory of the 16th century and the work of Leonardo da Vinci .

Since 2004, a new edition of Giorgio Vasari's Vite has been published by Nova in Berlin's Wagenbach-Verlag - mostly in German: "Biographies of the most famous painters, sculptors and architects", a fundamental work in art history - of which 44 volumes were available in spring 2015, some of them in updated new editions. The last volumes will be presented in an electronic edition.

Fonts (selection)

  • with Charles Hope : The Autobiography of Benvenuto Cellini. Phaidon, London 1983.
  • Michelangelo, the architect. Scientific Book Society, Darmstadt 1984.
  • The Artistic Patronage of Pope Julius III (1550-1555). Profane Imagery and Buildings for the De Monte Family in Rome. Garland, New York 1988, ISBN 0-8240-0099-4 .
  • Girolamo Romanino. Allemandi, Turin 1994, ISBN 88-422-0521-4 .
  • with Mauro Lucco, Peter Humfrey (eds.): Lorenzo Lotto a Recanati. "Nel cor profondo un amoroso affetto". Marsilio, Venice 1998, ISBN 88-317-6976-6 .
  • with Klaus Krüger (Ed.): Imagination and Reality. On the relationship between mental and real images in early modern art. Von Zabern, Mainz, ISBN 3-8053-2716-1 .
  • with Anna Schreurs (ed.): Benvenuto Cellini: Art and Art Theory in the 16th Century. Böhlau, Cologne / Weimar / Vienna 2003, ISBN 3-412-11002-7 .
  • The Book of Wind: Making the Invisible Visible. Deutscher Kunstverlag, Munich / Berlin 2007, ISBN 978-3-422-06720-2 .
  • with Tanja Michalsky (Ed.): Wind und Wetter. The iconology of the atmosphere (= Studi e Ricerche. Vol. 5). Marsilio, Venice 2009, ISBN 978-88-317-9925-6 .
  • with Cornelia Jöchner (Ed.): Place and Territory: Urban Structure creates political spaces. Deutscher Kunstverlag, Munich / Berlin 2010, ISBN 978-3-422-07005-9 .
  • with Katja Burzer, Charles Davis, Sabine Feser (eds.): Le Vite del Vasari: Genesi, topoi, ricezione - The Vite Vasaris: Origin, Topoi, Reception. Atti del convegno, February 13–17, 2008, Firenze, Institute of Art History, Max Planck Institute. Marsilio, Venice 2010, ISBN 978-8-831-70829-6 .
  • with Domenico Laurenza (Ed.): Leonardo da Vinci's Anatomical World. Language, context and "Disegn". Marsilio, Venice 2011, ISBN 978-88-317-1080-0 .
  • with Joseph Connors a . a. (Ed.): Desiderio da Settignano. Marsilio, Venice 2011, ISBN 978-88-317-9554-8 .
  • with Golo Maurer (ed.): Michelangelo e il linguaggio dei disegni di architettura. Marsilio, Venice 2012, ISBN 978-88-317-1222-4 .
  • with Francesca Fiorani (ed.): Leonardo da Vinci and Optics. Theory and Pictorial Practice. Marsilio, Venice 2013, ISBN 978-88-317-1494-5 .
  • with Barbara Agosti, Silvia Ginzburg (ed.): Giorgio Vasari e il cantiere delle vite del 1550. Marsilio, Venice 2013, ISBN 978-88-317-1495-2 .
  • with Luigi Zangheri (ed.): I mondi di Vasari. Accademia, lingua, religione, storia, teatro. Marsilio, Venice 2013, ISBN 978-88-317-1762-5 .
  • Image / languages. Art and Visual Culture in the Italian Renaissance. Wagenbach, Berlin 2014, ISBN 978-3-8031-2727-3 .
  • with Fabian Jonietz (Ed.): Vasari als Paradigm. Reception, Criticism, Perspectives - The Paradigm of Vasari. Reception, Criticism, Perspectives (= Collana del Kunsthistorisches Institut in Florence - Max Planck Institute. Vol. 20). Conference files, 14.-16. February 2014, Florence, Art History Institute, Max Planck Institute. Marsilio, Venice 2016, ISBN 978-88-317-2661-0 .

Individual evidence


Web links