Alessandro Ricci

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Alessandro Ricci da Fermo (* 1749 in Fermo ; † 1829 there ) was an Italian painter of the late Baroque .


Alessandro Ricci came from a family of artists who worked in Fermo for almost two centuries in the service of the local nobility and the church. As the son of Filippo Ricci (1715–1793) he ran the workshop founded by his great-great-uncle Ubaldo in Fermo until his death.

He was a pupil of his father and after his death spent two to three years in Rome before returning to his hometown. Stylistically he is influenced by Giovanni Domenico Tiepolo , Francesco Trevisani and Antonio Zanchi

Works (selection)

  • Death of St. Gaetano in San Michele Arcangelo in Fermo
  • To the left of the central chapel of the Church of San Vito Martire in Fermo is a Pieta with Saints Liberato and Vitale, one of the most beautiful works by Alessandro.
  • Two paintings, for the parish of Rotella and the town church of San Nicolò in Mogliano , depicting the Last Supper. In many details he followed the concept of his great-uncle Ubaldo for the altarpiece of Montefiore dell'Aso .
  • Crypt in the Collegiata di Sant'Esuperanzio in Cingoli . Seven frescoes from the life of St. Exuperantius and four pictures.
  • Image of St. Ignatius Loyola in the Chiaravalle di Fiastra monastery


Individual evidence

  1. ^ Fermo Chiesa di San Michele Arcangelo .
  2. ^ Church of San Vito Martire .
  3. ^ Carlo Tomassini: Pittori e artisti per l'Eucaristia nel Fermano (Crocetti Giuseppe) . ( ).
  4. Chiesa di Sant'Esuperanzio .
  5. Amico Ricci, p. 370
  6. Chiaravalle di Fiastra .