Alexander Brunschwig

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Alexander Brunschwig (born September 11, 1901 in El Paso , Texas ; died August 7, 1969 in New York ) was an American physician, pathologist, and cancer researcher who worked in the field of surgical oncology . He was the first to perform a one-step radical duodenopancreatectomy and pelvic exenteration .

Live and act

Brunschwig was the son of the Jewish merchant Felix Brunschwig (1860–1922, who originally came from Durmenach in Alsace and had emigrated to Juárez in Mexico to open a shop with his uncle Felix Kahn) and his wife Pauline (née Harris) . He was enthusiastic about rodeo, but he was denied a career in this direction because he suffered from a horse allergy. Eventually he studied medicine at the University of Chicago , where he received his bachelor's degree in 1923 and his master's degree in 1924. In 1927 he graduated from Rush Medical College with a doctorate in medicine. First he worked in pathology at the Boston City Hospital. There he performed many autopsies on the corpses of patients who had died of cancer . He was particularly interested in oncology. In 1933 he became head of the gynecological department of the "Clinics and Medical School" of the University of Chicago and in 1940 professor of surgery there. He held this position until 1947 when he was appointed head of gynecology at Memorial Hospital for Cancer and Related Diseases in New York. He was also Professor of Clinical Surgery at Cornell University Medical College . In particular, he explored the role of surgery in the treatment of uterine cancer at all stages. He performed cancer operations until his death in 1969. He published medical papers on oncology.

Total pelvic exenteration in women

The English Brunschwig Pelvic Exenteration ' Brunschwig Pelvic Exenteration ' was named after him after he recognized the principles and methods of pelvic exenteration as a therapeutic approach for certain forms of pelvic malignancies . As a result, technical changes were introduced from 1948 and guidelines for the overall care of these patients were established. He also wrote essays on medical professionals such as Hieronymus Brunschwig and Johann Friedrich Lobstein .

Awards (selection)

Brunschwig has received several awards and has received honorary doctorates from many universities.

  • 1946: Awarded Medal from Charles University in Prague
  • 1962: Lucy Wortham James Prize for Clinical Research
  • 1966: Medal of the James Ewing Society
  • 1968: Ann Langer Cancer Research Foundation Award

Fonts (selection)

  • University of Chicago, Dept. of Anatomy (Ed.): … Placental permeability… Chicago 1924, OCLC 42975125 (Master's thesis).
  • Hieronymus Brunschwig of Strasbourg . In: Annals of medical history . New series, volume 1 , 1929, OCLC 5894394305 , pp. 640-644 .
  • Jean Fréderic Lobstein, the first professor of pathology . New series, volume 5 , 1933, OCLC 5894602426 , pp. 82-84 .
  • Radical Resections of Advanced Intra-abdominal Cancer. Summary of Results in 100 Patients . In: Annals of Surgery . tape 122 , no. 6 , 1945, p. 923-932 , PMID 17858710 , PMC 1618353 (free full text).
  • Radical Surgery in Advanced Abdominal Cancer . In: The American Journal of the Medical Sciences . tape 214 , no. 2 . University of Chicago Press, 1947, ISSN  0002-9629 , OCLC 4663075142 , p. 228 .
  • The surgery of pancreatic tumors. Mosby, St. Louis 1952, OCLC 429568649 .
  • L 'exentération pelvienne . Masson, Paris 1964, OCLC 11008269 .


Web links

Individual evidence

  1. Uwe Wagner, Rainer Hofmann, Detlef K. Bartsch: Operation Atlas Gynecological Oncology . Springer-Verlag, 2013, ISBN 978-3-642-35128-0 , pp. 224 ( ).
  2. Juarez Store founded in 1880 Became EP's Modern White House . In: El Paso Times . January 12, 2009 ( - originally published April 29, 1956).
  3. Alexander Brunschwig (1901–1969) . In: CA: A Cancer Journal for Clinicians . tape 24 , no. 6 , 1974, ISSN  0007-9235 , pp. 361-362 , doi : 10.3322 / canjclin.24.6.361 ( [PDF; 213 kB ]).
  4. Walter Lawrence: Extended surgery for gastric cancer. In: Cancer. Volume 82, No. 3, February 1, 1998, pp. 429-432 ( ).
  5. ^ K. Dragutin, P. Maja, C. Miljan, K. Dragan, M. Branislav: Alexander Brunschwig - 110 years from birth September 11, 1901 - August 7, 1969 . In: Acta Chirurgica Iugoslavica . tape 58 , no. 3 , 2011, ISSN  0354-950X , p. 21-23 , PMID 22369014 .
  6. George W. Morley: Surgery in Gynecological Oncology . Springer, Dordrecht 1984, ISBN 94-009-6750-0 , Pelvic Exenteration in the Treatment of Recurrent Cervical Cancer, p. 174-181 , doi : 10.1007 / 978-94-009-6750-2_15 .