Alexander Gottschalk from Sengbusch

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Alexander Gottschalk von Sengbusch (woodcut from 1862, after a bust by Hugo Hagen )

Alexander Gottschalk von Sengbusch (born January 28, 1738 in Riga ; † February 8 or 9, 1800 there ) was a merchant and mayor of Riga.


Tomb in Riga

Alexander Gottschalk Sengbusch was the son of the master tailor and senior man of the tailoring office in Riga Cord Sengbusch . He began a commercial apprenticeship in Riga in 1751 and stayed in Lithuania from 1751 to 1753 to learn the Polish language. In 1762 he was accepted as a partner by a merchant in Riga and went on business trips in 1762 and 1763, which took him to Germany and Denmark. Sengbusch became the sole owner of the business in 1769. He volunteered professionally and socially in Riga. In 1785 he founded a poor house there .

In 1787 a new city constitution was introduced, which overcame the limitation of power to the traditional three “estates” (magistrate, large guild and small guild ) and opened up a say for broader circles of the citizenry. For this purpose, the citizenship was divided into six "classes":

  1. “Possessing” (i.e., home and land) residents
  2. Merchants (divided into three guilds)
  3. Craftsman
  4. Strangers and "guests" (especially traders) from other cities
  5. "Well-known" citizens (i.e. because of their "name" = reputation in the citizenry)
  6. Sit down .

With the introduction of the new council constitution of the city of Riga, he took on numerous local political tasks and became councilor of the city. From 1790 to 1796 he was head of the city in Riga and became mayor of Riga in 1796 after the new city constitution was repealed. With a diploma dated November 28, 1796, Emperor Franz II in Vienna raised him to the imperial nobility.

His company A. G. Sengbusch passed to his son Conrad von Sengbusch even before his death . The pastor Alexander von Sengbusch was his grandson.


Web links

Commons : Alexander Gottschalk von Sengbusch  - Collection of images, videos and audio files


  1. Napoleon Asmuß : Alexander Gottschalk von Sengbusch, Rigascher Mayor . In: Rigasche Stadtblätter , vol. 53 (1862), pp. 237–249, here p. 244.