Alexander Henderson (theologian)

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Alexander Henderson

Alexander Henderson (* around 1583 at Criech in Fifeshire , † August 19, 1646 in Edinburgh ) was a Scottish theologian .


Aside from John Knox , no one has influenced the Scottish Church as much as Alexander Henderson. Originally he was a supporter of the episcopal state church and was therefore installed as a pastor in the rebellious community of Leuchars in 1612 . The resistance of the village made him change sides after years of fighting and he became a leading opponent of the episcopal hierarchy and the English supremacy of the church.

After signing the National Covenant in 1638, he was appointed moderator for the general assembly of the Scottish Church in Glasgow , which deposed the bishops and introduced the Presbyterian constitution against the resistance of King Charles I of England . In 1639 Henderson became pastor in Edinburgh and in 1640 he was elected Rector of Edinburgh University . In 1641 and 1643 he again headed the church general assembly and from 1643 to 1646 he was a member of the Westminster Synod , a committee of the Long Parliament of England , which was supposed to reorganize the English Church on the Scottish model.

See also
