Alexander Nawrocki

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Alexander Nawrocki (born February 24, 1909 in Berlin ; † November 19, 1967 there ) was a German politician ( CDU ).

Alexander Nawrocki attended elementary school and did a commercial apprenticeship. He later attended the Higher Reich School of Commerce in Berlin. In 1939 he was drafted into the police force and finally into the armed forces. In 1945 he was taken prisoner by the Soviets .

Election poster for the Junge Union Berlin-Tiergarten 1963, speakers: Alexander Nawrocki, Rudolf Krohn , Günter Linke and Gert Mollin

After the Second World War , Nawrocki was managing director in the art trade in Potsdam and later in the wine trade. In the Berlin election in 1950 he was elected to the District Assembly (BVV) in the Tiergarten district. In the 1958 election he was initially elected to the Berlin House of Representatives, but resigned as early as January 1959 because the BVV Tiergarten had elected him to the district councilor for social affairs. In 1965 he left office.
