Alexander cedar tree

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Alexander Cedar Tree, 1885

Alexander Zederbaum (born August 27, 1816 in Zamość , † September 8, 1893 in St. Petersburg ; pseudonym " eres " [= cedar]) was a Hebrew and Yiddish writer and pioneer of Hebrew journalism .


Zederbaum married in Lublin . In 1840 he went to Odessa , where he initially worked as a businessman. There he founded the Hebrew weekly Ha-Meliz in 1860 . Since 1863 the supplement Kol Me'wasser appeared as the first Yiddish newspaper in Russia . In 1871 the Ha-Meliz newspaper had to be relocated to St. Petersburg . The Yiddish side dish was not allowed here. Zederbaum brought out the Russian-speaking Westnik russkich jewrejew . Since 1881 he has published the Yiddish People's Gazette .

With AJ Goldenblum he edited the collective book Kohelet (1881). Zederbaum turned to the Zionist movement Chowewe Zion and was a participant in their Katowice Conference in 1884.

In addition to his journalistic activities, Alexander Zederbaum was also otherwise active in literature.

Works (selection)

  • ben hamezarim ( In distress ), 1864
  • keter kehunna ( crown of the priesthood ), 1868 (on the history of Hasidism)
  • Cultural images from the life of the Jewish communities in Poland in the 18th century
  • The Secrets of Berdychev , 1870 (in Yiddish)

Literature / sources

  • Jewrejskaja Encyclopedia , Peterburg 1906-1913, Volume XV.
  • Leon Julius Silberstrom, article Alexander Zederbaum. In: Jüdisches Lexikon , Berlin 1927, Volume IV / 2, columns 1541–1542.
  • John F. Oppenheimer (Red.) And a .: Lexicon of Judaism. 2nd Edition. Bertelsmann Lexikon Verlag, Gütersloh u. a. 1971, ISBN 3-570-05964-2 , Sp. 891-892.