Alexandre Louis Marie Pétis de la Croix

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Alexandre Louis Marie Pétis de la Croix (born February 10, 1698 in Paris , † November 6, 1751 ibid) was a French orientalist .


Alexandre Louis Marie Pétis de la Croix was a son of the orientalist François Pétis de la Croix . He pursued the same career as his father and at the age of 16 became secretary and interpreter in the Navy, which position had become vacant due to the death of his father. After a six-year stay in Constantinople , Syria and Greece , he returned to Paris. Since then he has been active in all negotiations between France and the barberies and led the envoys of those powers before the French throne, namely at the audiences of October 14, 1728 and August 28, 1729, where the envoys from Tunis and Tripoli met King Louis XV . asked for mercy for insulting the French flag. Pétis had set the terms of the first treaty on a trip to Tunis, but was unsuccessful in his mission to Tripoli and was then on board the squadron that bombarded that city in July 1728. Appointed interpreter of the oriental languages ​​at the royal library, he received the professorship of the Arabic language at the royal college in Paris after the death of Fiennes in 1744 . He died there on November 6, 1751 at the age of 53, leaving behind two daughters, the elder of whom a few months later became the wife of a nephew of the famous lawyer Cochin.

Pétis' writings include Canon du sultan Suleiman II… ou état politique et militaire, tiré des archives les plus secrètes des princes ottomans; traduit du turc (Paris 1725) and Lettres critiques de Hadgi Mehemmed Efendy, au sujet des mémoires du chevalier d'Arvieux ... traduites du turc en français par Ahmed Frengui, renégat flamand (Paris 1735). The latter work contains narratives about the customs, religion and government of the Orientals. The author and the translator are bogus. In addition, Pétis left several handwritten translations of Arabic works. In 1722 he published the Histoire du Timur Bec , which his father had translated , and wrote the Avertissement in it, and also provided an extract from the work that passed into the possession of his son-in-law. The relation de voyage dans le Levant was also not printed and seems to have been lost.


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