Alexandre Masoliver

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Alexandre Masoliver OCist (born February 11, 1934 in Seira (Huesca) as Ignasi Masoliver ; † June 18, 2019 in Monestir de Santa Maria de Poblet ) was a Spanish Cistercian monk and historian .

Father Alexandre Masoliver (2007)

life and work

Ignasi Masoliver, son of a family of doctors, grew up in Barcelona . He first studied civil law at the University of Barcelona (graduated in 1956) and after his military service worked in a law firm .

In 1959 he joined the order of the Cistercians and entered the Catalan monastery of Monestir de Santa Maria de Poblet , took the name of the order Alexandre and was ordained priest in 1967 after studying philosophy and theology . In 1971 he was at the Pontifical Athenaeum Sant'Anselmo in Rome with the work Origen y primeros años (1616–1634) de la Congregación Cisterciense de la Corona de Aragón . Síntesis histórica y documentos (Poblet 1973 Scriptorium Populeti 8) for doctor of theology PhD . He was then professor for religious and church history at the religious seminary in Poblet and at the same time worked as a librarian for many years as prefect and master of studies. He published basic historical works on the history of the Poblet Monastery as well as the history of the Cistercian order.

Masoliver was awarded the Creu de Sant Jordi Prize in 1998 and was a member of the Acadèmia de Bones Lletres de Barcelona from 2007 . Alexandre Masoliver was the nephew of the literary critic Juan Ramón Masoliver Martínez de Oria (1910–1997) and the cousin of the London Spanish professor Juan Antonio Masoliver Ródenas (* 1939).


  • Història del Monaquisme Cristià , 3 vols., Montserrat 1978–1981 (History of Christian monasticism )
    • 1. Des dels orígens fins a sant Benet, 1978
    • 2. De Sant Gregori el Gran al segle XVIII, 1980
    • 3. Els segles XIX i XX. El monaquisme oriental, el monaquisme femení, 1981
    • (Spanish) Historia del Monacato Cristiano , 3 vols., Madrid, Encuentro, 1994.
  • Fra Francesc Dorda, Abat de Poblet, Bisbe de Solsona i Ministre de l'Arxiduc , Poblet 1981 (Scriptorium Populeti 10).
  • L'Arxiu President Josep Tarradellas , a Poblet , Poblet 1982.
    • (Spanish) El archivo President Tarradellas, en Poblet , Pblet 1982.
  • Si cerques Déu de veritat. Reflexions sobre la vida monàstica , Montserrat 1986 (8 lectures on monastic life).
  • Los Cistercienses en España y Portugal, in: Louis Julius Lekai , Los Cistercienses. Ideales y realidad , Barcelona 1987, pp. 517-576.
  • El Catálogo de los Abades Generales de Cister, in: Analecta Cisterciensia 44, 1988, pp. 172-189.
  • El Monasterio de Santa María la Real de las Huelgas, de Valladolid. Notas de historia, arte y vida, Valladolid, Monasterio Cisterciense de las Huelgas, 1990 (Cistercian convent in Valladolid ).
  • San Bernardo . El hombre de la Iglesia del siglo XII , Madrid, Santo Domingo de la Calzada, 1990.
  • Els religiosos a Catalunya. 1600 anys d'història, in: Congrés d'Història de l'Església a Catalunya des dels orígens fins ara, Actes 1, Solsona 1993, pp. 435-497.
  • (Ed. With Gener Gonzalvo i Bou, * 1958) Eduard Toda i Güell , La davallada de Poblet. Poblet as segles XVII i XVIII , Poblet 1997 (Poblet's decline).
  • El pobre Jeremies. Una passió dolorosa per amor del seu poble , Montserrat 2002 (Poor Jeremiah ).
  • (Ed.) Fra Joan Vallespinosa (1578-1640), Libri de Receptis. Us detallats annals d'història de Poblet, segles XVI i XVII , Poblet 2005 (Scriptorium Populeti 18).
  • Pere, la Roca que plora , Montserrat 2009 ( Peter , the Weeping Rock).


  • Gener Gonzalvo i Bou: El P. Alexandre Masoliver i Masoliver, historiador i monjo de Poblet. In: Aplec de Treballs (Montblanc), Volume 26: Homenatge a Alexandre Masoliver i Masoliver. 2008, pp. 9–14 (Catalan, with list of publications and images, online )

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. Mor el monjo de Poblet Alexandre Masoliver, historiador de referència del monaquisme. In: Catalunya Religió. June 18, 2019, accessed June 19, 2019 (Catalan).