Alfons Härtel

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Alfons Maria Härtel (born April 17, 1900 in Rabsen near Glogau , † April 18, 1970 in Stuttgart ) was a German Catholic clergyman.


Härtel studied Catholic theology in Breslau . There he was ordained a priest on March 17, 1923. After years of chaplaincy at the Holy Cross Church in Wroclaw , he was appointed head of the radio working group of German Catholics at the Reichsender Wroclaw . After the National Socialists had imposed a broadcasting ban, he was city pastor in Wroclaw from 1934 to 1945.

On February 18, 1945, he came to Altötting and became a special chaplain for the relocated there . In February 1946, the Rottenburg bishop Joannes Baptista Sproll commissioned him with pastoral care for homeless Germans, refugees and displaced persons in the diocese of Rottenburg . In April 1949 he also took over the St. Hedwigsgemeinde in Stuttgart-Möhringen . In 1956 he was appointed city parish administrator and in 1959 city pastor.



  • Johannes Gröger, Joachim Köhler, Werner Marschall (Hrsg.): Silesian Church in Life Pictures. Volume 6. Thorbecke, Sigmaringen 1992, ISBN 3-7995-7115-9 .

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