Alfonso Grados Bertorini

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Alfonso Grados Bertorini (born April 27, 1925 in Pisco , Ica , † October 4, 2010 in Lima ) was a Peruvian journalist and politician .


After attending the Primer Colegio Nacional del Perú de Nuestra Señora de Guadalupe , in 1940 he began studying humanities and law at the Universidad Nacional Mayor de San Marcos . He later became a journalist and between 1950 and 1960 worked for the daily newspaper La Prensa and during this time also founder of the Federation of Peruvian Journalists ( Federación de Periodistas del Perú (FPP) ). His football sport coverage in La Prensa , which he wrote under the pseudonym Toribio Gol , achieved notoriety .

In 1961 he became an employee of the Inter-American Development Bank (IDB) in Washington, DC. After his return to Peru, he was appointed Minister of Labor by President Fernando Belaúnde Terry in 1968, but he could no longer take up this office because the President was appointed on October 2, 1968 by a Coup was overthrown and the military under General Juan Velasco Alvarado took power.

He then returned to the IDB and was initially assistant to the then Chilean President of the IDB, Felipe Herrera . In 1970 he became managing director in the administration and finally in 1972 representative of the IDB in Argentina .

On July 28, 1980, he was appointed as a non-party by President Belaúnde Terry to the Minister of Labor and Employment Promotion ( Ministro de Trabajo y Promoción Social ) in his cabinet and held this office until July 27, 1983. During this time he set up the so-called Comisión Tripartita , which consisted of employers , employees and government , and should deal with and solve problems in the labor market .

In 1984 he ran as a representative of the Acción Popular for the office of mayor of Lima, but was defeated by the socialist opponent Alfonso Barrantes Lingán .

In 1986 he was appointed ambassador to Argentina and has also participated in official delegations of the Inter-American Development Bank on several occasions. In 1990 he was appointed a member of the President's Advisory Board for Integration Affairs .

In 1995 he finally became a candidate of the Unión por el Perú, founded in 1994 by the former Secretary General of the United Nations Javier Pérez de Cuéllar , as a member of the Congress ( El Congreso de la República del Perú ) and was a member of it until 2000. During this time he worked on 68 legal projects, which dealt in particular with labor and social law issues.


Grados Bertorini also wrote several books dealing with political issues. His most important publications include:

  • Hacia la concertación social, lineamientos para una política laboral en un régimen democrático , Lima, 1981.
  • La deuda, el FMI, y el desarrollo , Lima, 1984.
  • La concertación social en América Latina , Instituto Internacional de Estudios Laborales, 1985.

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