Alfred Bratt

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Alfred Bratt (* 1891 in Vienna ; † July 14, 1918 in Berlin ) was an Austrian author , dramaturge and editor .

life and work

Alfred Bratt was born in Vienna in 1891 as the son of the well-known Viennese court attorney Jakob Bratt and Antoinette Eisenstein. The family lived in the second district of Vienna . At the age of 18, Alfred Bratt went to Berlin, where he was able to make contact with the cultural and literary bohemia within a short period of time . Soon he was a regular and welcome guest in the Café des Westens , where a regulars' table was established around Else Lasker-Schüler , Max Reinhardt , Erich Mühsam and others. At first Alfred Bratt tried to gain a foothold as an actor , later he also worked as a dramaturge.

From 1912 Alfred Bratt published short stories in various newspapers . During the First World War he became an editor at Erich Reiss Verlag . During this time he also wrote his first novel, Die Welt ohne Hunger , which was first published in 1916 by Erich Reiss Verlag. In the novel, Bratt tells of the inventor Alfred Bell and his research for a food cube that could feed the entire world population without much effort and expense . The book was a great success; Within a very short time, several editions and translations into various languages ​​appeared. He was unable to finish another manuscript; At the age of 27, Alfred Bratt fell ill with bilateral pneumonia and died a little later in Berlin. After his death, The World Without Hunger was long forgotten; In March 2018 a new edition was published by Edition Atelier , a publisher in Vienna .


The short story The Man with the Seven Faces by Alfred Bratt was filmed in 1913 by Deutsche Mutoskop- und Biograph GmbH . His book Die Welt ohne Hunger (The World Without Hunger) was filmed by Rudolf Dworsky in 1920.

Press reviews

"A brilliant style, splendid ingenuity and pictorial power characterize this book."

- Paul Busson for the Neu Wiener Tageblatt , 1916

“This book… has much more thought content than so many other books, it stands, even if it is a utopia, in so many respects on absolutely real ground, it deals above all with such a topical question of humanity - the nutrition of the world - that one You can count on it to arouse the significant interest it deserves everywhere. "

- Salzburger Volksblatt, 1916

"A timeless novel, more than 800 million people are still starving."

- Peter Pisa for the courier , 2018

"High literary quality, exciting and up to date to this day"

- Sibylle Fritsch for Salzburger Nachrichten , 2018


  • Alfred Bratt, Armin Wassermann: The man on the swing: comedy in 3 acts. Drei Masken Verlag, Munich 1913.
  • Alfred Bratt: The world without hunger. Erich Reiss Verlag , Berlin 1916.
  • Alfred Bratt: The world without hunger. Edition Atelier , Vienna 2018 (illustrated new edition), ISBN 978-3-903005-38-9 .

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. ^ Alfred Bratt short biography on the Edition Atelier page. Retrieved February 28, 2018.
  2. a b c d e The world without hunger Article on the Edition Atelier page. Retrieved May 4, 2018.